Chapter 7

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Black Widow walked up the CMS machine

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Black Widow walked up the CMS machine. Selvig, slumped down, weakened, looked at her desperately. The Tesseract's energy was firing towards the portal, gaining in strength, at the surge of energy moving through the sky.
"Doctor." Natasha called him.
"Loki's Scepter, the energy... the Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself." Selvig replied.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing."
"Well, actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source."
"Loki's Scepter."
"It might be able to close the portal. And I'm looking right at it." Selvig said, looking down and seeing that Loki's Scepter was beneath them.

Thor rode on top of chariot, smacking several Riders with the hammer. As Thor took the reins, a Chitauri Leviathan crashed through a building, knocking him down to where Cap and Mage were fighting off Soldiers.
Iron Man flew towards the Leviathan, unleashed every arsenal on the suit. The Leviathan opened its mouth and Iron Man flew in and burst out the other end, making the Leviathan explode. The explosion caused him to crash into a shelter of the bus stop and then against a taxi, Iron Man got up instantly but was hit by energy blasts from the Soldiers.

Hawkeye turned to fire his last arrow. Using his bow as a staff, he knocked some Soldiers, before yanking his last arrow off the dead body. He nocked his arrow, dove down the building and fired his grappling arrow up into the side of building.
Falling down, he found the momentum and swinged himself into a building and cannonballed in.
The Hulk held Soldiers by the face and slammed them down while more kept coming.
He looked up, hundreds of Riders hovered over him. Then... they began to fire energy blasts.

Cap, Mage and Thor battled, side to side. Cap and Thor both threw their respected weapons. Thor caught his, but as Cap turned, an energy blast struck him down hard.
"No!!" Nova shouted, angrily as she raised her hand and blew up the earth under the Chitauri's feet. She raised her hand again, the boulders rose up and she threw them with force against other Chitauri.
Behind them, other enemies continued to shoot at them, an energy blast hit her in the back and she fell to her knees. She turned, pissed, and raised her hand, creating a blast of wind that made them fly away.
Thor hit a car with his hammer, causing it to flip, crushing more Chitauri and then he threw the hammer again, hitting more Soldiers.
Cap tried to get up, Thor helped him back to his feet and he raised his shield back up.
"You ready for another bout?" Thor said.
"What? You gettin' sleepy?" Steve replied.
Mage approached the two men, worried about her father, "Dad, are you okay?"
"Yeah... I'm all right." Steve replied, putting a hand on her cheek, reassuring his daughter.


Selvig, back in scientist mode, clacked away at his laptop. He nodded, Natasha grabbed Loki's Scepter, slowly broke into the force field, almost touching the Tesseract.
"I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!" Natasha said on comm.
"Do it!" Steve replied.
"No, wait!" Tony intervened.
"Stark, these things are still coming!"
"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it."

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