Chapter 2

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Somewhere in an old, almost WWII esque boxing gym, Steve Rogers, a man out of time, the First Avenger, Captain America, was pummelling a punching bag

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Somewhere in an old, almost WWII esque boxing gym, Steve Rogers, a man out of time, the First Avenger, Captain America, was pummelling a punching bag. With every swing, it was like a memory he was trying to fight off and repress.
Captain America was running through the forest, dodging mortars, gunfire and the Tesseract's energy firearms.
"There's not enough time! I gotta put her in the water!" Steve said.
Steve's rage kept building as he punched the bag. It got harder...
Steve placed his compass with an image of Peggy Carter and his daughter Nova Sadie.
The time was here for him to crash the plane.
Steve closed his eyes and went at the bag harder.
"You won't be alone." Peggy said.
The Red Skull picked up the Tesseract.
Steve opened his eyes and teared the bag as the last memory kicked in.
"Oh my god!"
A half-frozen Steve Roger was lying down on a medical slab. Two SHIELD scientists ran over hi-tech devices to see if his vitals were up. And it seemed...
"This guy is still alive!"

Steve teared the bag open, offed its chain, spilling out the sand. He stood, breathing hard, letting out 70 years of over repressed feeling. After taking a few breathers, Steve picked up another punching bag, which was laying next another dozen bags. He hooked the bag up and started punching again. Fury walked in.
"Trouble sleeping?" Fury said.
"I slept for seventy years, sir. I think I've had my fill."
"Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world."
Steve stopped punching and walked over to the bench, unravelling the tape off his hands and sat down, "I went under, the world was at war, I wake up, they say we won. They didn't say what we lost." Steve said.
"We've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently."
"You here with a mission, sir?"
"I am."
"Trying to get me back in the world?"
"Trying to save it."
Fury handed Steve a file on the Tesseract, along with other files on HYDRA'S projects.
"HYDRA's secret weapon."
"Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs."
"Who took it from you?" Steve asked.
"He's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know."
"At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me."
"Ten bucks says you're wrong. There's a debriefing package waiting for you back at your apartment."

"I need to find my daughter first." Steve added.
"Your daughter is alive and well. She's been hidden for quite a few years, but we were able to find her, with a little difficulty."
Fury gave him another file of Nova Sadie during her time in the Red Room and HYDRA. Steve looked closely at the file, touching with his finger the images of his little girl who had now grown up and had become a beautiful woman.
Fury continued to speak, "She was trained in the Red Room and experimented by HYDRA, from 1946 to 1992, then she ran away and nobody saw her again. Over the years, HYDRA had been searching for her, failing."
Steve raised his head, looking at the man.
"We need you to convince her to join this mission. You're her father, she won't say no to you."
"Where is she now?" Steve asked.
"In Detroit, but she's always moving."
Steve turned and picked up a punching bag. Started walking out of the gym.
"Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?"
"You should have left it in the ocean."

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