Chapter 46: The Surge

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The kids were talking and laughing as Anna was having a hard time teaching, she wouldn't Lie to teaching in a school to be the hardest job as the kids would always outtalk you or crack a joke making the entire class burst into laughter. Having enough of it slamming her fist onto the table she said "The next person that talks will write a 500-word essay about plants and get detention for a week!" Everyone drop-dead silence as Anna turned to the broad. "Back to plants we have-". A paper plane hit the back of her head. She turned around "Who did that?" she asked. everyone pointed at Gene who said," This class is boring nothing new ever happens it's just plants this, plants that!" 

 Anna took a deep breath not wanting to burst of anger. Just then a student came in " Come quick! Mr. Zane's on the fritz!"

"W-what," Anna said before she rushed to Zane's classroom.

"How do you turn this thing off?" Cole asked with a bit of annoyance in his voice as he tried to put an end to this.

"What happened?" Anna asked

"Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and it's controlling Mr. Zane," Sally explained. Anna looked at Zane and then walked over to Cole. Cole smashed the remote making Zane stop. 

"Mr. Cole is the worst," Brad complained.

"I heard that." Cole said the school bell rang and the kids ran out, bumping Cole out of the Way "Unh! Ah, recess. My favorite time."

Anna mutters to herself "I'm not even legally qualified for this" 


Jay opened the freezer but did not find what he wanted. "All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it!" 

Cole is eating a pudding cup which is Jay's "I didn't see "Motor Mouth" on it."

"I'm telling the headmaster," Jay said before turning to Wu's office

"Jay, don't, I've already heard enough complaining today," Anna said

"Justice has to be served!" Jay snapped and Wu came out of his office "Leave me out of it. I'm on break, too."

"Relax, Jay, you can have mine," Kai says before tossing his cup to Jay.

"But this isn't cold" Jay wined. Zane flips a switch in his arm and freezes the cup "Thanks!" Jay said before eating it.

"I never thought teaching was this hard" Kai scoffed

Anna then said "And to make it hard, Jay now formed a stupid prank alliance with the students!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Its not stupid!" Jay defended

"How come, Everyone day I always have a bucket of COLD water waiting for me at my door" Cole asked feeling annoyed

Anna sighed as she opened her bento she was hungry but didn't want to eat.

 Silence filled the room till Jay changes the subject "Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? Ah. I miss our elemental weapons." 

"He must feel so proud and happy with him to be surrounded by paparazzi  24/7" Anna said almost sounding jealous.

Nya runs in the the door and slammed it, waking over to them she asked " Why is that when I teach, I get the feeling that none of the boys are listening?"

"Hi, Miss Nya. I saved you some pudding." Jay said

"What did we talk about?" Nya asked and put a hand on her hip

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