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The next day i decided i wasn’t going to be ashamed,

ok i blushed whenever i thought of when i said the M-word but other than that i was going to enjoy my time with Dean this weekend and not overthink i would think of what we did sort of like a game.

We spent the weekend together at my place, it was fun, i cooked our dinners and he made breakfasts it was the most alive i felt in a long time.

My mind felt at peace and quiet. We watched movies and he made me read some parts of my steamy novels out loud it was embarrassing but the sex was amazing. 

He saw one of the adoption agency sites i was exploring open and we spoke about my hopes to one day adopt and how hard it has been to get selected as i was a single woman of color,

it felt nice to talk about it with someone really.

I enjoyed making meals for him and how he was around me he seemed freer he laughed a lot more than i ever saw him do.

He told me about his family how his parents and younger brother had died in an accident when he was 25 and now it’s just him and he wasn’t close with his extended family.

He was all alone in this world just like me, i held him for a long time after that. It was the most surreal moment i ever had with anyone

Monday at work the first thing i did was set up a meeting with Dean at lunch when he was free, i booked us at the secluded restaurant he owned for two reasons,

first it would be public and i figured that’s the way to go so we could talk outside the power-exchange dynamic we seemed to have alone

and second he wouldn’t make a scene about my resignation in front of his clients and employees.

Before breakfast i wrote my letter of resignation and sent to the HR department hopefully it wouldn’t get to Dean before our meeting and then i printed one out to give him in person.

At breakfast Kari told me about her engagement to Mike her boyfriend of 2 years and i couldn’t get myself to tell her about my decision yet.

we decided to celebrate after work at Joe’s pub.

i promised that this time no matter what i would be free because in all the time Kari and i had planned to go out for drinks i had never made it i always got busy or Mr Declark needed me.

I was honestly so happy for her if anyone Kari deserved it which i told her
“When is the wedding?”

“As soon as possible im not giving him a chance to change his mind” she laughed

“Good plan, oooh i can’t wait to be an aunt get on that as soon as possible please” Kari groaned

“my mom has been on me for grandkids for a year now, yesterday when i told her about the engagement she said Mike and i already had 2 years on our own there is no need to wait to give her grandchildren can you believe her”

although she sounded affronted she was smiling brightly

“I totally support her”

“Traitor!” We laughed

“Im so happy for you Kari i know you have been waiting for Mike to get to this point for a long time”

“i know right i honestly was about to give up hope”

“No! Mike is crazy about you”

“Yeah i know but you know how doubt makes you forget facts and the important staff”

The Boss's Obsession Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ