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I had been staying with my boss for a week now and i felt it was time to go back home,

i was feeling better and things were becoming more ....awkward.

I woke up wrapped around him or half on top of him, my sleeping self was always drawn to him and this morning i woke up sniffing him actually sniffing the man like a dog!

and he was up i wanted to die with embarrassment hence my conviction that it was time to go back to my little apartment.

I only managed to get some courage in the afternoon to go and ask for my unit keys from him, he was in his home office.

After knocking and getting a

“Come in” i breathed in deep and went in

“Um hie?” That ended up sounding like a question than a greeting really and he looked more amused than annoyed.

“Hie to you too?”

Ok now he was just teasing me i gave him my best reprimanding look and he laughed.

“What can i do for you?”

“I wanted to thank you for what you’ve done for me and i feel so much better now and i was just thinking i don’t want to keep imposing on your good will and i feel so much better now and i know im not the easiest to take care of and i know you are a busy man you know”

i needed to stop saying ‘and’, why was i even nervous for

“Did i say you were imposing?"

“Ah no sir”

“Have i given you the impression that you are in my way?”

“No sir”

“Is my home somehow no longer to your standards"

“Oh my God no sir that’s not it” had i sounded ungrateful?

“Your home is very beautiful, i like it very much”

“Im glad to hear that” i got the impression he was toying with me somehow

“it’s just that i feel so much better now, and i have nothing to do here, i just thought that....”

what was my point again?

“Oh well why didn’t you say that” phew ok at least he got my point somehow

“I’m glad you feel better i actually had something i wanted to ask of you but i wasn’t sure if i should”

“Please ask i would be happy to help, what do you need” my voice sounded as eager as i felt.

I honestly was glad there was something i could do for him before i left, i was too grateful to him for taking care of me and i needed to even the field so i was glad he needed something from me.

“Would you please make oxtail stew for me tonight?”


my confusion was mostly because i hadn’t anticipated he wanted me to cook for him

“I want you to make it like the one you made for my birthday”

i honestly was surprised that he remembered that gift and  had even liked it that much,

i had only decided on cooking because he had been so generous for my birthday and gave me a gift card to Dolce and Gabbana for office wear that i could never have afforded and with the meetings we went to i had started to feel self conscious about it.

The Boss's Obsession Where stories live. Discover now