Chapter 49:gremory clan in ruins

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Zeoticus Gremory's furious rage echoed through the halls of the Gremory estate. Fueled by a potent mix of anger and disbelief, he couldn't fathom the actions taken against his daughter, Rias. Venelena and Grayfia attempted to soothe him, but the storm of emotions within him was unrelenting.

Zeoticus, fueled by his anger, lashed out verbally, blaming Grayfia for the unfolding tragedy.

Zeoticus:How could that bastard do this to my daughter?

he bellowed, each word dripping with venom. The once composed and collected devil was now a tempest of wrath.

Venelena, caught in the crossfire of his fury, tried desperately to defuse the situation.

Venelena:zeoticus, please calm down. This isn't helping anyone,

she pleaded. However, her efforts were met with a harsh slap, a manifestation of Zeoticus's uncontrollable anger.

The Gremory patriarch continued his tirade, directing his fury toward Grayfia.

Zeoticus:Our daughter has her power stripped off and exiled. What do you have to say for yourself, you whore?

The accusation hung in the air, a cutting remark that wounded not just Grayfia's pride but also the foundation of their once-united family.

Grayfia, despite the verbal assault, maintained her composure.

Grayfia:Zeoticus, I understand your pain, but lashing out won't change what has happened. We need to find a way to support Rias and navigate through these difficult times.

The tension in the room escalated as Zeoticus, fueled by his grief and anger, grappled with the harsh reality of his daughter's fate.

In the midst of his seething rage, Zeoticus Gremory found another target for his unbridled anger – Sirzechs, his own son. The betrayal felt deep, the wound raw, as he accused Sirzechs of supporting the actions taken against Rias.

Zeoticus:Even Sirzechs has the guts to do this to Rias, and he supported it! That bastard son of mine actually supported it, and it's your fault!

Zeoticus raged, his voice echoing through the halls. The weight of the accusation bore down on Venelena, who had become an unwitting victim of his blind fury.

Venelena, though visibly shaken, attempted to reason with him.

Venelena:Zeoticus, this is tearing our family apart. We need to find a way to heal, not to blame each other.

Her words, however, fell on deaf ears as Zeoticus, fueled by grief and anger, unleashed his frustration upon her.

In an unfortunate turn of events, Zeoticus lashed out physically, attacking Venelena. The once dignified and composed devil was now a mere shell of his former self, consumed by the maelstrom of emotions. The Gremory estate, once a symbol of prosperity, now resonated with the discord tearing the family apart.

Grayfia, witnessing the chaos, tried to intervene.

Grayfia:Zeoticus, please, let's not allow our pain to destroy what's left of our family

she implored, trying to shield Venelena from further harm.

However, the tempest of emotions within Zeoticus had taken control, blinding him to reason. The echoes of his enraged shouts reverberated through the once-stately halls, signaling the unraveling of the Gremory family's unity in the face of adversity.

Grayfia, witnessing the aftermath of Zeoticus's rage, rushed to console the hurt and shaken Venelena. The once dignified estate now echoed with the sobs and pain that had fractured the Gremory family.

Highschool dxd: Abused And betrayed ocDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora