chapter 33: rias vs riser part 3

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Jack's pov

I grinned triumphantly, remembering the countless hours spent teaching Koneko a technique akin to Danny's Limit Breaker form. She expressed a genuine interest, and being part kitsune I felt I was the best person to teach her I was already planning on doing it for free but bruh Danny gave me a fucking ps 6 yes went to another universe and stole A FUCKING PS6 who in their right mind would refuse

knew it was a unique opportunity for her to tap into her latent abilities. So, I took it upon myself to instruct her in everything Senjitsu, even though it's a more advanced technique.

Flash back

Me: Alright, Koneko, pay close attention. Senjitsu is all about channeling your energy, focusing it to unlock your latent potential. Danny's Limit Breaker form is a testament to what this technique can achieve.

Koneko: I'm ready, Jack. Teach me everything I need to know.

Me: Good. First, you need to center your energy. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the energy within you, the essence of your kitsune heritage.

Koneko followed my instructions, her eyes shutting as she inhaled deeply. I observed her closely, knowing that this step was crucial to the success of Senjitsu.

Me: Now, visualize that energy expanding, reaching every part of your body. It's not just physical strength; it's about unlocking your inner potential. Picture it as a flame growing within you.

Koneko: I can feel it, Jack. It's like a warm energy spreading through me.

Me: That's it. Now, let's move on to the next step. Senjitsu requires precise control. You need to be able to manipulate this energy at will. It's not just about power; it's about finesse.

We spent hours practicing, going through the intricacies of Senjitsu. I guided Koneko through various exercises, helping her harness the energy within and control it with precision. It was evident that she was a quick learner, her feline instincts enhancing her grasp of the technique.

Me: Great progress, Koneko. Now, let's see if you can manifest Senjitsu in a more tangible way. Focus your energy and try to create a small burst of it in your hand.

Koneko concentrated, and a faint glow appeared in her palm. It was a promising start, a visible manifestation of the energy she was learning to control.

Me: Impressive. With time and practice, you'll be able to unleash Senjitsu more freely. Danny's Limit Breaker form didn't come easy for him either, but look at what he achieved with dedication and training.

Koneko: I'm determined to master this, Jack. Thank you for teaching me.

Our training sessions continued, each day bringing Koneko closer to unlocking the full potential of Senjitsu. As her mentor, I took pride in witnessing her growth and the results of our efforts. The gymnasium, once a battlefield, transformed into a training ground where the echoes of our dialogue and the energy of Senjitsu lingered, shaping the destiny of the supernatural struggles that awaited us.

In the gymnasium, Enderic, the articulate enderman Butler, and the other girls gathered to watch Koneko's performance in the rating game. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation.

I grinned

Me: get ready to see Koneko in action. She's been training hard, and this rating game is the perfect opportunity to showcase her skills.

Enderic, with his characteristic grace, remarked

Enderic:A rating game, Master Jack? A splendid occasion to gauge Miss Koneko's progress. I look forward to observing her strategic prowess.

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