Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.

Start from the beginning

Najenda: Now, let me introduce the new members. First...

She says pointing where the girl was standing but she isn't there.

Najenda: Oh?

As camera shows her near y/n as she is brush his hair.

Girl: I still can't believe that cute boy is shadow...

Y/n: What are you doing, all of a sudden?

Chelsea: I'm Chelsea. As fellow assassins, let's all get along. Here, have a treat.

She says giving y/n lollipop.

Y/n: Sure.

He says as he takes it and tries it.

Y/n: Hm. Not bad.

Tatsumi: Ah! She managed to lure y/n by giving him lollipop!

Lubbock: He must have been hungry from fighting and the long trip.

Tatsumi: But Chelsea looks even less like assassin than Mine and the rest...

Najenda: Don't judge a book by it's cover. She's an amazing talent, who's done about the same number of successful jobs as Akame.

Tatsumi: Eh?

Najenda: And this is my new imperial Arms, which I got from the Revolutionary Army, Lightning Speed: Susanoo. He's an organism-based type that operates on auto, so the burden is low. Meaning even I could use him.

Tatsumi: N-Nice to meet you again...

He says as Susanoo sees Tatsumi's shirt coming out from bluse as he corrcts it.

Tatsumi: Wh-What?

Susanoo: All right!

Najenda: His personality is that quite a neat freak.
(A/n like a short guy some of us know)

Mine: Even though he's an imperial Arms... Come to think of it, he did fix my hair.

Leone: Well? More importantly, what's his power? He's just strong in physical brawls?

Najenda: Hm. Hehehe. Then let me show you. Don't be too suprised. Do it, Susanoo!

Susanoo: Understood.

Y/n: I this is the fun part.

He thinks as Susanoo starts cutting down trees as he then builds the house, and then he starts cleaning clothes and after that he is cooking.

Bulat: Well, I mean this is amazing but... But what the hell?

Tatsumi: It looks like he's merely doing household chores.

Najenda: Precisely! Susanoo was originally created to be an imperial Arms bodyguard. Of course, he has attack power, but he's also trained to do housework while he protects you. Cleaning, laundry, everything! He's able to prepare over a hundred dishes.

Mine: That has nothing to do with fighting!

Najenda: But he's extremely convenient! Well, of course he has a secret fighting technique. Right?

Susanoo: Yes.

Tatsumi: Then these two are our new members... They seem very reliable!

Y/n: Chelsea, her death gave me ptsd that big i didn't finish watching for a five months until i decided to try it again. I need to save her, i don't want to have that ptsd back.

Chelsea: Hey, you flat-chested shrimp! Tiny chest! Tiny chest!

Mine: Shaaaaaaaaa.

Lubbock: Even thought he's good looking and can cook, he is an imperial Arms, right? Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna lose to that.

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