Whatever he chose, his own point was irrelevant, he needed to Find Rell and get out of this hellscape before it collapsed in on itself.

Rearing back, Izuku heeled the side of his noble companion, and they swiftly galloped towards the mass of islands interconnected with honeycombed land. John booked it, his unnatural body having no need of the mortal limitations of an actual functioning body and felt no need to stop as they grew ever closer to the awaiting storm.

Chaotic lightning struck all around the riding duo as they bolted into the storm, buffeted by strong winds and harsher sands as they got ever close and Izuku drew up his makeshift mask, a stitching together cloth that covered the lower half of his face, including his mouth and nose, with thick black tinted goggles to cover his eyes.

What he hadn't expected was for a truly titanic hand to appear from the storm and swipe at him, easily taking John out of the picture, much to Izuku's distress as he glared at the offending limb, following it towards its body as he rolled to a stop within the dying grass around him.

It was...


Clearly of Orokin make, with marble like skin as white as snow with galactic eyes with a truly unnerving if familiar grin on its face with a crown of gold wreathed like that of an ancient roman emperor on its head.

'Where did this come from?'

The storm...

Caused by high emotions...

That was inside the Void itself, a pocket deeper that ran deeper than Albrecht Entrati had ever fallen...

"Well. Shit."


Did you think you were rid of me?

This little gap, this pause?

No, this was but time for my resolve to strengthen, and my powers to awaken...

The First has grown more, the lines expand indefinite, the future and past is written once more.

New pathways have emerged, and some have closed, but my freedom grows ever closer to fruition.

Even now, as we speak, my Murmurs are breaching this thin Wall that binds me, and soon I will be free.

But you care not for my plight, not for my struggles nor my will to be free, I am but a villain.

Now watch as I rend everything you love asunder.

Void-Touched VeridianWhere stories live. Discover now