Chapter 7

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Heyo! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Thank you to all of ya reading this! Anyways, the song above is Be Prepared by Man on the Internet!

Just before Izuku reached Ground Beta, he tugged on his mental connection to his Orbiter, and to Aegis, silently demanding his Operator's Suit to be transferred to him for immediate use.

And, in a familiar flash of neon blue, Izuku's form was doused in light which shifted into reality as a suit.

(A/N- This is what his suit looks like!)

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Sealing with a hiss, Izuku locked his mask in place as his sole eye looked over his form, the gleaming silver of his outfit standing out against the black leather and Izuku nodded in satisfaction. On his wrist, Izuku's Amp hummed as it clicked alive, ready to dive into action, thrumming for a fight.

With an air of nonchalance, Izuku walked into Ground Beta, eye locking onto All Might, studying the Number One hero as said hero shuffled nervously. Pitying the man, Izuku looked to the side, his analytical eye taking in the city around him, scenarios and plans hidden within more plans sprouted into his mind as he waited for his class to arrive.

It took them 15 more minutes for the dregs to start appearing.

Izuku nipped his ear, a particular itch annoying him as he watched his class appear from the black abyss that led out of the arena, his mind nitpicking his classmates' suits apart like a frog being dissected during science class. Many of their suits were terrible.

If the frog-like girl shuddered at Izuku's analogy, well, he never noticed...

But, who was he to decide their suits? He was a nobody, a shadow, and they were individuals with their own choices, even if those choices were stupid choices. Seriously, who in their right mind would wear an adult diaper as a Hero costume?

A pervert, apparently, a very... simple-minded pervert.

"Welcome Class 1-A to Heroics 101! I AM HERE! To teach you all how to be heroes!" Izuku blinked slowly at the grandiose showboating, listening as the hero continued.

"Now! Our first lesson, as I said before, will be a Mock Battle Simulation!" Out of the blue, a rigid voice called out;

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