Chapter 3

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Hello there! Welcome back! Another chapter is here! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Anyways, I appreciate your comments, likes and views! The song above is Jolene, a cover by CallMeKevin!

Funnily enough, Izuku found out that he'd been reported as deceased from an old poster that had plastered itself to the screen of his Orbiter.

It was bound to happen of course, if you disappear without a trace and can't be found, you're most likely dead.

But, it left him with some issues; first, he can't just waltz up to the police and tell them he's alive after 2 years, also his hair was white now, instead of the forest green it was in all of the missing posters floating about online, including the one he'd scrapped off his screen. And Seven only knows what the scientists had done to his body during his time under their watchful eyes.

He also, sadly, noticed the distinct lack of searching on anyone's part in the police reports. Nobody, except his mother and someone named Eraserhead, had bothered searching for longer than a week.

Why the hero, an underground hero at that, searched for Izuku was his own reasons, but a surprise nonetheless.

It was sad, really, that a child can go missing and no one cared, even if said child lacked a quirk.

Alas, being legally dead also made going physically to school or work near impossible, as Izuku Midoriya no longer existed other than an empty coffin in the ground and a paper that announced his legal death.

Onto the better news, Aldera Middle School was shut down. How did it happen? Apparently Eraserhead investigated the school as part of the investigation for Izuku, and found the absolute shit-show of a school it was.

The questions lingered, why Eraserhead was so keen on finding Izuku, on trying to get him back; what did that man want?

The idiots that made up the teaching staff never bothered to wipe the security footage from the security cameras across school; meaning it had years worth of abuse and bullying filled up on those rolls.

Always clear your browser history, kids!

It was immediately shut down, the teachers were arrested and charged and the students were sent to different schools; the children, however, never had their names released to the press in order to protect them from the vultures that was the Media. They were, however, given severe punishments if they were involved in the systemic abuse that Izuku suffered.

That was good.

Another good thing was that Izuku didn't really need to leave his Orbiter.

Being a Semi-Immortal being filled with chaotic space magic made the normal stuff like food and water obsolete.

Maybe that's the reason he was so lanky and boney...

So he didn't leave the Orbiter, instead choosing to chase after an education, online under a pseudonym to protect himself, as he swiftly caught up on two years worth of things he'd missed on his first world; and decided to go further, leaping into further studies.

Void-Touched Veridianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें