Chapter 23

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Heyo people! I hope y'all are all good! Sorry for the wait, I've been having a tad bit of writers block and life is meh right now, but! Here's another chapter for ya! Thank you for your support, it truly does mean a lot to me! And the song above is Die in A Fire by the Living Tomestone!

It started, not with a huge battle, not with blood and quirks flying left and right, but with a single, tiny explosion.

Silence filled the stadium, the 40 contestants eyeing their pillars with thought, plans and actions running amok in their minds, figuring out how to climb the ladder to the top.

Neito Monoma and his compatriots at the top were sweating.

Out of nowhere, Bakugou shot up, his hands propelling him upwards towards the four central pillars, his eyes glowing crimson, blazing with the promise of victory as he thundered through the air. Blitzing the first pillar, he blew the person who had mounted it apart, stealing their position as he stood his ground, his teeth gnashing together as he snarled, it was reminiscent of a guard dog, almost.

Following up, Todoroki built his own way up, a towering pillar of icy frost pierce the sky, and on top of it was Todoroki, his eyes burning with the frigid winds of an arctic winter, promising a slow and agonising death. He had frozen most of the lower ranks with ease, trapping them on their spires for easy collection later, and aimed right for the top, imagining them as Endeavour.

Hate boiled over and a huge iceberg appeared, completely covering most of the stadium in bitter ice.

Using his moment, Todoroki knocked off another, a green haired girl, and claimed the top spot, shooting a glacier at the threat he perceived to be dangerous, Monoma.

Only as soon as he iced the boy, he was soon overtaken as Momo knocked him off, offering a small apology as she began to fortify the pillar, with high walls and... is that a machine gun?! Multiple machine guns?!

Then, his glacier exploded, Neito Monoma grinning maniacally with a crown gleaming brightly on his head, as his body transformed, his once pale skin becoming a metallic steel, glinting harshly with the dying explosions in his palms as he tanked the acid thrown at him by Ashido.

On the bottom, Todoroki glared before firing himself up again, ice flowing beneath him as he shot up like a rocket, towards his target. Yaoyorozu was out of the equation, she was far too fortified to take on at the moment, a literal siege would only exhaust him and that was something he could not afford.

Yet, he was foiled as Asui leaped at him, her legs quickly striking him with the ferocity of a wild tiger and he was once more thrown down and Asui began to ascend herself, her frog like abilities making this a walk in the park for her as she defended herself from whoever tried attacking her.

"And it's begun!!! Observe! It's all going down, Mr. 'Raser, give the people a break down!" Pure exhaustion leaked through the microphone.

"The four tallest mountains are worth the most, meaning that if you get on one and keep it, you'll basically win. Only 16 people can make it through, so it'll be an... uphill battle, one could say."

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