Chapter 21

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Hey hey! How are y'all? Sorry for taking a bit of time, I recently bought a new computer so I've had to spend some time setting up and getting it all ready! But, I'm back! Anywho, I hope ya enjoy this chapter! The song above is a Halo Theme overlap by Mr. A! Its super cool! I highly recommend watching it on Youtube!

Atsuko Kubo was once a bright child, she dreamed big and bright, of a world full of wonderful heroes ready to save Japan, save her home, from the darkness that swaddled Japan, clutching deep into the country's veins.

Reality soon hit her.

As she grew older, Atsuko grew into a sharp lady, and she was not blind, she saw too much around her, a thick layer of taint that thickened like viscous honey fell over Japan, a rise in villains and the Underground writhed with too much life. Taking up her position in the Hero Public Safety Commission, the HPSC, opened her eyes even further, to the absolute rot and decay that ate away at her homeland; a festering wound that slowly was destroying Japan, and that was when she realised something.

This world, a world so dark and full of terror, wasn't long for Heroes. They wouldn't survive. Not in the world that was being shaped before them, the absolute reliance on All Might, and on the United Nations; if either were to fall, god forbid if both fell, then she knew, deep in her heart, that the world would crumble with them and only the very strongest would survive the new world that rose from the ashes.

And that terrified her to no end.

For if a Hero can't save the world, who can?

The answer was simple, to build heroes who were strong enough to hold the mantle, heroes who could stand their ground, to hold back against the darkness that the world permeated: Heroes who were built to survive. But, using the new Heroes was a terrible idea, they were weak; she knew that building her Heroes using the ones circulating the current society, would only lead to failure.

Too set in their ways, too arrogant and too lacklustre to be a strong foundation for which she wanted heroes to be.

Too weak.

They were shaped in a world untouched by the sinister Dark Ages and under the gilded light that All Might cast. His vast form and power allowed complacency and ineptitude to ferment in the minds and souls of the newest generations of Heroes, and the path they walked only led to their deaths. Only 3% of the newest generation of heroes managed to live past 5 years of hero work: some died, some retired, some were let go due to grievous injuries, but the fact remained that most of the later generations were dying off faster than the older.

The bulk of the Top 50 heroes were veteran heroes, fighters to their core, yet it could be seen that they were ageing, they were slowing and losing strength, and the people who were replacing these heroes were fame hungry fools looking to make a quick yen and the glory of being a hero.

So, when it was her turn, when she ascended to Madam President, she decided she would make her own heroes, heroes who could survive the future she saw for her country. Not that this was an original thought, her predecessors also had the same idea, but their success was wildly limited to Lady Nagant, and even she was but a failure in the end. Their programs were a failure.

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