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The second I woke up in the morning I rushed to the window to see if the weather had cleared up. The rain stopped but there was a good inch of water flooding the yard. I felt more at peace being stuck with Trevor but I still did not want to be stuck here. 

"Why are you opening the blinds at this hour," I hear Trevor sleepily groan while grabbing a pillow and putting it over his eyes. 

"Its one pm," I reply trying not to make too much fun of him. We were up until around five in the morning so I couldn't be too harsh. 

"Shit," He moves the pillow and rubs his eyes. "What do. you want for lunch then?" 

"We literally have no food in the house,"

I watch as he puts his hand in the pocket of his shorts. He grabs a small circular case and slips something in. his mouth. 

"Well there is my food, you want one?"

I practically scoff. "No Trevor. I do not want a zyn the second I wake up," 

"More for me," 

He sits up in the bed and grabs his phone. I decide to do the same and go through all my notifications. I had a few random dms from my friends, texts from the groupchat, a couple from my mom checking on me, and one that stood out from my brother. 


Can you come home I miss daddy

I can't survive without him

Please bring him home asap and in one piece


I'll bring him home

No promises about how many pieces he'll be in tho 

I laugh a little at my phone. Even with my new found appreciation for Trevor I still have not figured out how my brother is in love with the man. I continue responding to a few more things before checking the weather. Thankfully it is supposed to stay warm and sunny all day. 

"Water should be completely gone in the next hour or so if you wanted to head out," Trevor says without looking up from his phone. 

"Ok, we should probably pack and get ready to leave then," He nods and we both stand up. "I'm gonna take a quick shower," 

He nods again and kisses my forehead before I walk into the bathroom. It took me a few minutes to process that he just did that. I don't think there is anything I hate more from a man than a forehead kiss. 

It is one thing if we are in a committed relationship. 

I try to let the thought go while i undressed and got under the water. It felt refreshing to shower without the fear of lightning shocking me through the pipes. I tried to make the shower go as fast as possible. 


I don't want to leave the lake house. 

I don't want to go back to New York where Lana is going to go back to whatever fake hatred she has towards me. She'll go right back to Jules where we well split custody over the guys again like the past twenty years. 

I have no faith that she will even pretend to be friendly with me. At first I just wanted to make middle school me happy by hooking up with her. I thought it would go away after that, whatever type of weird feelings I had for her. 

But after this week I realized it only made me want her more. Which makes me wish I would've just stayed quiet and kept my hands to myself. I don't regret anything, but I don't want her too and I have a feeling she will. 

Lana isn't the type of girl to fall in love and definitely not with someone like me. 

I started throwing my clothes into a bag and then decided to start with hers. Knowing her, she would kill me if I wrinkled any clothing item she had so I made sure to take my time and fold them while she was busy. 

A few more minutes went by and I heard the water stop and the hair dryer start. I finished packing whatever I found in the room and noticed she left her phone on the nightstand. Unlocked. 

I tried not to look but it wouldn't be me to not look. She gets a text as soon as I grabbed it and I instantly regretted grabbing the phone. 


lmk when ur back in ny 

I put her phone back exactly how I found it. Nico and her had a weird relationship in high school and they hooked up a few times in college. I'm not jealous or anything but like why is he texting her. Are they still friends? Do they still fuck? 

My mind was racing and I barely noticed when she came back into the room and grabbed her phone. 

"Thanks for getting my stuff ready Z," She smiles while looking at her phone. I tried to smile back at her even though she was smiling at another guys text. 

"Yeah no problem, I bet you're dying to get back," I throw a slight jab but she doesn't catch on. Or maybe she's acting dumb. Either way my thought process just proved itself right. At least I got that dub today. 

"I'm ready whenever you are," 

I try to hide my annoyance and go into the bathroom to get ready. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Fix my hair before throwing on a hoodie and socks. I walk back into the room and she is glued to her phone. 

"I'm ready," 

She doesn't respond. I roll my eyes and grab my phone from her hands and she freaks out a little. Classic. 

"I'm ready," I repeat still holding her phone. 

"Give me my phone right now Trevor," She replies trying to be intimidating. I laugh a little. Her trying to protect my feelings is crazy. "I'm serious!" She jumps up and tries to grab it from me. 

"Ok fine, let's go though," I give up and hand her the phone. I grab our stuff and take it downstairs. The water had gone down a little but it was definitely still drivable. I put our stuff in the car while Lana still sits on her phone. Once everything was ready I start the long drive home. 

"Can you stop being a whore on a snapchat for.a second, I'm bored," I complain. 

"I'm not even on snap!" She defends. 

"Ok well talk to me,"

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Would you rather have pucks for feet or sticks for arms?"

"Trevor what the fuck," 

"Fine, would you rather fuck me or Jack?" 


"Ok uh- Would you rather-" She cuts me off. 

"Ask me one more stupid fucking would you rather question and I will throw you out of this car and drive home myself," She says. 

"But I'm the one driving,"


I put my hands up in defense for a second before placing them back on the wheel. 

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