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He kissed me. Trevor Zegras kissed me. And not in a cocky way, it was in such a normal relaxed way that it scared me. What scared me even more is I didn't pull away fast. It lasted a couple seconds until both of us pulled away and looked at each other. 

My eyes were wide. But when I look at him expecting to see a smirk of some kind, it wasn't there. His eyes were wide. 

"Sorry, I uh-" He stops at a loss for words. 

"Y-your good," I stutter back.

The silence comes back and we both stare at each other for a few more seconds before we both jump up and run downstairs. I try to push back what just happened but it wasn't working. He seemed just as freaked out as me which is a great sign. 

"Hey Lana, Z, can you two run to the store for us. The guys took their keys and we wanted to make cookies later," Emma asks when she sees us. 

I look over at Trevor and he looks over at me. Neither of us want to be in a car alone. Neither of us want to grocery shop together. It is obvious by his face that he does not want to be alone with me anymore than I want to be alone with him. 

"Yeah I got you, just text me a list," He smiles grabbing his keys from the counter. 

I try to stay put but he grabs my hand on his way to the door. I pretend to not be shocked or freaked out by any of it. I try not to be mad at Emma since in her defense she thinks we are dating. I slip on my shoes and follow Trevor to his car. 

He pulls out of the driveway and then stops halfway. There was a long driveway up to the house since it was hidden behind trees. I wasn't sure why he was stopping but he was quick with letting me know.

"Listen, I'm sorry. That was like way unexpected and I don't know why i did that," He explains. 

"Trevor it's fine, not like it is going to happen again anyways," I reply trying to keep my cool. 

We both take a deep breath and look at one another. As if I haven't learned anything about how I should not sit in silence in front of Trevor. It happens too often. It feels like we are surrounded by unsaid words and unsaid thoughts. 

They were circling us but we couldn't make out anything of the words. 

He put the car in park and leaned in. Without thinking about it I put my arms around his shoulders as he kissed me. The kiss was more intense then the one earlier. I could feel my hair getting messed up. His arms moved from my back to my neck to my face. 

Both of us trying to get closer but the center console stopping us from taking anything too far. Which was probably a good thing. 

It took about sixty seconds before we both pulled away and looked directly in front through the windshield of his stupid car. 

"Drive," I state ignoring what just happened. 

"Yes ma'am," 

The drive was completely silent. With talking that is. I turned on music to drown out the loud thought in my head. Trevor seemed to appreciate it. He hummed along to the generic pop music that was playing as background noise. 

As soon as we got to the store I practically jump out of the car and rush to get whatever it was Emma needed. It wasn't much, the text Trevor showed me that she sent had four things on it. 

Sugar, flour, chocolate chips, and tampons. 

"Is she really making me buy this shit?" Trevor asks. 

"I'll get them relax," I roll my eyes at him. 

I run to the section of tampons while he looks for the few items to make cookies later. The distance from Trevor felt like wave of guilt and relief left my body. Why did I feel guilty? I have no idea. Why did I feel relief? Because for some weird reason I feel the need to rip off my clothes when I am left alone with Trevor Zegras. 

I'm becoming the girls I used to pity. 

Once I am done, we met at the registers and I avoid eye contact at all costs. Trevor seems so relaxed compared to me. It actually amazed me and made me hate him. So in a way this is a great thing. Once he pays I grab a couple bags and rush to the car still ignoring him. 

The car ride was silent between the two of us with Taylor Swift blasting. I was not a fan of hers, but it was better than hearing Trevor talking to me. The car ride was not too lolng and we ran into the house to drop everything off for Emma. 

"We're home!" I scream. 

There was no answer. I look around the house and notice Trevor do the same. We make eye contact a few times before he walks over to me. 

"No ones home," He says. 

"I see that," I say trying to keep a steady voice. He laughs a little and licks his lips before looking at me. "Trevor, that was the last ti-" 

He cuts me off by kissing me again. My brain was telling me to push him off and occupy myself with someone else, but the other part of my brain allowed to kiss to get deeper and deeper and led to me following him upstairs. 

Once we reach my room he shuts the door and locks it. That's when I snap back into reality. 

"Trevor we can't," I sigh finally pulling away. He takes a deep breath before sighing too. 

"Sorry, uh- got carried away a little," He says. He runs his hand through his hair and I can't take my eyes off him. I see it now. I see everything. 

His stupid little smile, his stupid long hair that just always falls so perfectly, his stupid little eyes and, his stupid little dimples. Not to mention he was just overall an extremely attractive man who wanted me right now. 

No one was home, so there would be no downside. 

However, thankfully my ego is just a little too big still to sleep with Trevor. 

"You seem stressed," He states. I sit on the bed and look up at him with my hands on my forehead. 

"I'm not stressed," 

"You are so stressed," 

I grab a pillow and throw it at him, instead of hitting his face like I wanted, he catches it. 

"I'm just going to watch something and take a nap, wake me up when everyone gets home," I tell him. He walks closer to me and places his hands on my shoulders. Him standing above me the way he is turns me on way more than I want it to. 

"Ok, I will leave you alone," He places a kiss on my forehead before taking a couple steps back. 

That was the last straw. The two different parts of my brain were in more of a fight now than when we were making out. 

I get under the blanket and prop myself up with a pillow and look at him starting to leave the room. 

"Wait," And there goes the stupid part of my brain. Trevor turns around and looks at me. "You can like chill in here, like if you want," 

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