Chapter 7: Unexpected

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----- Pha POV -----

I'm currently in my room lazing around but I'm awake when it's 9 am on a weekend. So like any other student, I enjoy my "me" time but still wake up early. However, it is not going well right now because of this huge bruise on my mouth. Maybe I should have just let those engineers punish each other. At least I got a date out of it in exchange.

"I want to be productive!" I shouted standing up and going to the bathroom to take a bath. I got my phone and played some music before letting my body get soaked by water. An hour later I'm dressed, ready to go outside, with a mask because my precious cheeks are bruised. I decided I'd go grocery shopping, look at the price of study materials, and find a gift for my neighbor who I have not met yet.

I got my keys before making sure to lock the door. I passed by the room next to mine and heard some voices so I could probably meet my neighbor later.

----- 3rd POV -----

Pha arrived at the grocery store and got the things he needed. He passes by the sweets while focusing hard on the displays. An employee approached him but he didn't notice so he jumped, surprised when the employee touched his shoulder.

"Ah good day sir, can I help you with something?" The employee asked smiling gently at Phana.

"Oh uhm yes, please. I got mango-flavored marshmallows here last week. I can't find them now, can you please show me where they are?" Phana said smiling widely at the thought of finally finding his marshmallows.

"Mango-flavored? Ah! Do you mean the ones that are in a big pack but still have a small packaging for each piece? The mallows with filling inside?" The employee answered making Pha nod excitedly.

"Okay, wait for me here sir, I will look at the storage room, maybe they just forgot to refill the displayed products. She said before leaving Phana who doesn't care because he's already excited for his mallows.

After a few minutes, the lady employee came back empty-handed. Pha slowly lost his excited smile, which quickly turned into a frown, leading to a full-on pout.

"Sorry sir but it seems that we are out on those flavors. Other flavors like matcha, strawberry, chocolate, and cheese are available though." The employee left Pha now since he looks disappointed.

After paying for his things, Pha decided to find a gift for his neighbor.

----- Pha POV -----

I wonder what I should give my neighbor. A flower?, what if they are allergic? Maybe wine? But what if they swore off alcohol? Wouldn't it be useless?

I walked down the streets until a shop caught my attention. Food! Sweets! No one refuses something so delicious right? I walked into the cake shop and saw lots of cakes, pastries, and other delicious treats. I decided that I would buy a cake and looked at the available flavors.

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