Episode 9

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Many miles away from the city in a cave deep in the forest, on the same night Tsukiko was given the werewolf power and Kenji and his nine other girlfriends learned of the first werewolf, the ferocious trio of werewolves are holding a meeting.

"Complete cowards the lot of them," one growled.

"Can't believe after we mauled those drunken students they haven't sought us out yet," another said as they tore into the stomach of a deer.

"Maybe we have to get a bit creative," the largest of the trio said. "And I know the perfect way," he finished by clawing a printed image of Kenji and co. school off the caves wall.

All three werewolves howl in unity.

• • •

Back at the Shedji's farm.

As Kenji slept surrounded by his ten beautiful girlfriends, Tsukiko snuggled his arm, while Kenji had a terrifying dream that left him drenched in sweat. Kenji dreamed in crimson as he watched in horror as masses of people got ripped to shreds by razor claws and jagged sharp teeth. Kenji only could watch like he was just a spirit without a physical body.

He saw men, women, and even children being randomly killed. "WHY," Kenji wondered why those people were being targeted and why he couldn't help them, save them. The sight of so many dying got too much for him as the anger and sorrow caused his eyes to fill and flow down with warm tears.

Kenji finally got a glance at six pairs of furry legs. His glance elevated up their legs to their furry torso and then finally to their three canine faces. "Those WEREWOLVES," Kenji cursed their existence. He watched as the trio stood scanning their carnage with what looked like to him, enjoyment, then they howled into the sky.

"I'll kill them for this," Kenji's thoughts were laced with the venom of pure hatred.

While he continued to sleep his body began to glow hot red. His sweat turned into steam as his temperature kept rising. His body got so intense that it didn't just wake the latched Tsukiko, but all of his girlfriends.

Kireitsune tried to wake Kenji, but she ended up getting slightly burned. Chitayna, with super speed, rushes out of the room to get help.

Back in Kenji's mind, he continues to curse the werewolves and vow to avenge all the innocent lives they took in all their senseless killings. Even the two bullies.

"My friend," a deeply rich voice spoke. A shocked Kenji searched all around, but saw no one.

"You must calm down," the voice spoke again.

"Phoenix?" Kenji asked as he realized the voice was coming from within himself.

"Yes, Kenji and I can help you all take care of your werewolf problem."

"Really, please share with me," Kenji begged.

"You know," Phoenix began, "I've been blessed with this gift of reincarnation," Kenji answered yes. "I use this gift to learn throughout my long life and with that I've gathered up all the knowledge of the world here in this realm between the living and the dreaming in what you'll all would call a library. But before I can grant you access to it you must wake up..."

"Uh?" Kenji questioned.

"WAKE UP." Kenji heard Phoenix's and his father's voices overlayed and caused him to be shocked awake.

Kenji's eyes blink awake, his vision at first was blurry, but within seconds it became clear to the sight of his father holding him up by his shoulders. Kenji noticed his girlfriends looking upon him with horror from behind his father. He then looked around and saw their room was engulfed by steam and the walls had perspiration running down them just like his girlfriends.

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