Episode 6

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It was a cool night and everything was quiet,it was the weekend,a Saturday at that,it was Ten minutes to Ten at night and Kenji and the girls were laying in their normal group sleeping position in their pile on the pushed together mattresses on the floor in the middle of the living room,everything was quiet until someone's phone rang,for a while no one woke until...

Kenji woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes,he looked at the phone pile in the basket and realised it was his phone that was ringing,he picked it up and realised the number was his father's number,he stared at it like it was cursed,he thought that maybe his father had more bad news for him and considered not picking it up in case it may actually be that.

He weighed the pros and cons in his head,the pros were that one,there may possibly be no cons in the first place and two,that his father may just be calling to check up on them all,the one con was that it could be more bad news,the phone wasn't going to stop ringing it seemed so he picked it up and before he could answer his father spoke up first,the girls also woke up.

Akio : Kenji,why did you take so long to answer the phone? It could have been a life or death situation.

Akio asked,the disappointment in Akio's words was palpable which made everybody cringe silently.

Kenji : Sorry father I took a while to wake up and another small while to get my faculties together to answer.

Kenji said hoping that his father would buy the excuse that he just made,thankfully he seemed to.

Akio : Alright then son,I understand now,anyway I've sent a bus to pick you up,I'll explain when you get there.

Akio said matter of factly,seemed like he wouldn't take no for an answer and it was automatically decided.

Kenji : Alright,me and the girls will get dressed and then we'll go wait for the bus outside the school gate.

Kenji said,there was no denying that this was an urgent matter that needed tending to as soon as possible.


Kenji and the girls all went to their seperate rooms to go change,they weren't far enough in their relationship to see each other get changed yet,even if the most that they'll be seeing is underwear,they got changed pretty quickly as they heard the bus driver honk the horn of the bus,they knew it was the bus since no one else came this late to the school.


Kenji and the girls boarded the bus and took their seats,the bus driver told them it would be an hour's drive because they would be going to Kenji's parents' farm which got them curious as to why they were headed there but they kept their mouths closed as they knew they would find out when they get there so they sat back and relaxed in their seats for the long ride there.


When they got there they were surprised to not see only Kenji's parents but two other people too,a male and a female,no one recognized them,no one but Tsukiko that is,they had weapons on them but Tsukiko still ran to them and took them both into her arms in a hug and they hugged her back careful with their weapons,soon they disintangled.

Tsukiko : Mom! Dad! What are you two doing here and what's with the weapons you have there?

Tsukiko's Dad : Well honey we never told you this but we're professional Werewolf hunters,have always been.

Tsukiko's Mom : Exactly what your dad is saying sweetie,these weapons are our Werewolf hunting weapons.

Tsukiko : Wow I never knew that,you learn something new everyday I guess, I am so surprised though.

Kireitsune : Werewolf hunters huh? That's super cool,I've never met Werewolf hunters before.

Tora : I agree with Kireitsune-San, Werewolf hunting seems like a pretty cool profession,seems dangerous too.

Yukino : Like they said,it's pretty cool but I can agree that it is dangerous too,no doubt about it in my mind.

Jackie : Agreed,it's probably quite rewarding though it's pretty dangerous too I would agree as well.

Hyöna : What a way to catch each other's eyes,it was probably love after each heard the other hunted.

Shishana : Even my parents don't have such an interesting job,I must say I am impressed with you both.

Chitayna : And here I thought Kenji's parents were impressive but Mister and Misses Hinamoto you truly are.

Gina : Oh look at those shiny weapons,they look so cool,I bet you made them yourselfs.

Akane : The blood pumping through my veins is rushing from the adrenaline of meeting you two.

Kenji : I agree with all the girls have said but Mister and Misses Hinamoto,can we know your names?

Tsukiko's Dad : Allow me to introduce myself,I'm Katen Hinamoto and as you already know I'm Tsukiko's dad.

Tsukiko's mother : My name is Saten Hinamoto and I am Tsukiko's mother as you all already figured out by now.

Akio : Now to the matter at hand,we brought you Eleven here to meet Katen and Saten for a reason.

Asuka : They are here to teach you all how dangerous Werewolves can be and to assist you against the enemies.

Katen : Correct and we are also here to bestow upon our daughter the power to become something more.

Saten : As my husband said,we are here to give our daughter a power beyond her current abilities.

Kenji : Then how will Tsukiko control these stronger powers if they are beyond her abilities?

Katen : Simple,we will train her to control the power we will be giving her and now to blow your minds.

Saten : I have magical powers and with them I will finally give Tsukiko Werewolf powers...


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