Day of the Great Devourer

Start from the beginning

I lower my head at what Kai said. "But he's not here anymore." I say. It was quiet and I take off my hood and feel a hand on my back. "But his teachings live on." I look up and at Kai. "Sensei once told me it's not the size of a ninja in a fight, but the size of the fight in the ninja. All this training, all these battles we've had with skeletons and the Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't give up now. A ninja never admits defeat. A ninja always picks himself up when he is down. Which is what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now." He says, he's right. Uncle would want us to continue fighting. I smile with determination. "But how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?" Oh, yeah. How?

"Yeah, it's not like we have a an extra Sacred Flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, ha-ha, how about one of our awesome dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about our Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size." Okay, Jay's going crazy. He laughs then lyes on the ground. "Oh, we are so hooped."

"No." I look and see (Y/N) sitting. She looks downs and her hair looks messy. She has a look that I haven't seen on her before. It looks... distant. "(Y/N)?" I hear Cole. I walk over to (Y/N) and stand next to her. "(Y/N), are you okay?" I ask, laying a hand on her arm to try and make her feel better. She was quiet for a while until she closes her eyes and lifts her head up. I hear her breathe deeply and she opens her eyes. Though, it still looks like she isn't looking at me or the others. "We cannot give up. I.... I felt it." She says. "Felt what, (Y/N)?" I hear Zane ask. "The Devourer." She answers. She breathes again and finally looks at us. "I-I felt its presence. When it woke up, I could feel its energy. Its desire. It is a corrupted and evil being that only wants to eat. Its aura was.... Suffocating. Intoxicating. It is poison. We must stop it. By ANY means necessary." She felt it? I feel her shake then I grab her hand. She looks down at me and I only look at her. Showing that I'm here.

She breathes in then out and she starts to get up. I help her and keep holding her hand. Cole then came over and stands on her other side and helps keep her up. "We will." He says to her. "But Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big just to even lay a scratch on that thing." He adds. That's true. "Or an idea that's even bigger. Ha! Jay, you're a genius!" Huh? "You thinking what I'm thinking?" What is Kai getting at? "Probably not, but go ahead." "There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way." Kai starts running off. Where's he going? "Wha-? Where are you going?" Yeah, where are we going? "We're going to destroy that snake once and for all." Kai says. "Let's go." I look up at (Y/N) seeing her have a determined look.

Kai's P.O.V.

This is going to work. It has to work. I lead the guys to the Junk Yard. It was where we would find what we need. Once we enter, we make our vehicles disappear. I take off my hood as we gather together. "Good idea, Kai. If the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full-on buffet." Cole says. I look over to see Jay knock on his parents' trailer. "Looks like my parents are gone." Perfect. "Good, better for us." I smile. I take a blueprint and place it on a nearby car. It unrolls to reveal an awesome vehicle. "It's so awesome." It will be. "Zane, you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?" I ask Zane. "It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready to playback." He plays the recording. Things are looking up.

"Good, and there should be enough spare parts around here to build this whopper. But we're gonna need to create our biggest Tornado of Creation yet." I tell the others. "But that will be dangerous for anyone else to be around for when we do it." (Y/N) says. "Exactly. No one else can be around." "Then tell that to the approaching person on a bicycle." What? But then I heard a bell and whistling and look to find the mailman enter the Junk Yard. "Ugh. What's he doing here?" Cole says and I hurry over with Jay to the mailman.

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