Chapter 1

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~Laura's POV~

"So, what do you think?" The estate agent asked with a big smile plastered on her face. I broke out of my trance and opened my mouth for saying something, but nothing came out. I was speechless. The flat was just beautiful.

"" I said all smile. I looked around once more and admired my future home. "I want it."

It had three bedrooms and two bathroom, a really nice kitchen where I can cook and bake and a big living room with picture windows. It was the perfect home and I could move in this afternoon, so I didn't need to sleep one more night in a hotel. I beamed at the estate agent and she gestured me to sit down on the withe leather couch to talk about the price and the move-in.


"Where do I put those boxes?" The moving man asked as he carried two boxes upstairs.

"Uhm.. Just put them down in the living room." I answered as I continued unpacking my stuff. The man nodded and sighed as he looked around the flat.

"Nice apartment!" He exclaimed appreciatively and smiled at me.

"Thank you. Was that the last case?" I asked him standing up and looking around and sighing at the mess I would have to unpack later tonight. The man nodded and smiled again at me.

"Well, good luck with unpacking. I got to go now. Good bye." The man approved and made his way outside.

I sat down on the floor and realised how hungry I was. I decided that I deserved a coffee. I looked down at me and realised how dirty my cloths were and how bad my hair must look. I needed a shower.

I ran upstairs and turned on the shower, letting the hot water messaging my skin. I relaxed and decided to shift the unpacking of the cartons to the next day. I was too tired to unpack more things.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped one of my fluffy new towels around my body. I made my way in my chaotic bedroom and pulled some black skinny jeans and a grey super-dry shirt out of a box and pulled them on. I slipped on my black UGGs, grabbed a black leather jacket and my phone and wallet and walked out of the flat and down the street. After some minutes of walking I saw a Starbucks at the end of the street. I smiled at the though of a warm coffee and stepped in. I ordered a cappuccino and waited for my order to get ready.

"Thank you." I smiled at the guy who gave me my cappuccino and handed him the money. I exited the shop and didn't looked where I was going. I looked at the floor and suddenly I bumped into someones hard chest and spilled my hot coffee over my shirt.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I swore under my breath and looked up at the guy who had hit me. He had dark sunglasses on and the hood of his hoodie over his head. I looked in an other direction, trying to avoid my gaze. He didn't even apologised!

"No, no it's fine. You really don't need to apologise." I muttered sarcastic.

The boy looked surprised and asked "What?"

I stared at him and couldn't believe how arrogant he was. I rolled my eyes. "I wont repeat myself!" I snapped back and the guy took his sunglasses off. He looked me up and down and a smirk appeared on his face. I was pretty angry with him, but I must admit, he looked really hot. His eyes were in a beautiful green and brown curls fell into his face and blocked his view.

"Well, what if I give you an autograph? Is then everything okay?" He asked smiling and showing deep dimples who appeared when he smiled. My jaw was wide open and I stared at him in disbelief. What the fuck was wrong with this boy?

"Why would I want an autograph from some guy who dropped my coffee over my shirt and don't even apoligise?" I asked him, my anger growing. He looked surprised and took a step closer.

Based on lies. (Harry Styles Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now