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Chibs climbs off the bed hearing knocking, making sure not to wake me since I fell asleep. He goes over to the door and opens it seeing Opie there. "Hey Ope everything okay?" he asks. Opie goes to answer when he notices me asleep. "She okay?" he asks hoping that I am. Chibs looks back at me and then at Opie again. "Yeah she's fine," he says wondering why Opie knocked at his dorm door. Opie felt relieved that I am okay now. "The Sheriff department have got the place on lockdown. Apparently it is considered a crime scene. Just thought I should let you know in case some officers barged in," Opie explains. Chibs sighs pinching the bridge of this nose thinking this is all we needed. He removes his hand, "I will take Lex home," he says not wanting me disturbed if the officers are crawling around the clubhouse like ants. "I think that will be a good idea," Opie says. Chibs gently picks me up and goes to carry me off to the garage tow truck we keep in the clubhouse parking lot. Ope follows him.

"I really do hope she is okay now, she worried me earlier with that panic attack," he says observing Chibs laying me in the back seat. "Me too," he says making sure I am secure. Opie smiles slightly at him, "Get her home safe yeah," Ope tells him. Chibs nods his head knowing he will do. He enters the driver's side and turns on the engine.

Opie watches him drive out the parking lot, before walking back in to the building. "Chibs took Lex home," he lets Jax know. Jax drinks some of his beer listening to Ope, feeling glad Chibs took me home. "Good," he says.

When I do wake up again, the world outside has turned dark. I take in my surroundings and smile realising that I am home. I slide out of bed and remove my kutte and the rest of my clothes. I get in to some comfy clothes, a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. I walk in to the bathroom where I look in the mirror. I take a look at my bandage around my arm whilst sighing. I run my fingers through my messy blonde hair, before grabbing the empty glass that is always kept by the sink. I turn on the tap and fill up the glass. I drink some of the water, feeling the coldness of it slither down the back of my throat. I place the cup back down once finished and exit the bathroom. I make my way to Elsie's room seeing the door open a little. I smile, watching Elsie in her crib as she sleeps away. I stroke her face and kiss my finger tips, placing them on her head. I love her so much. I leave the nursery and go downstairs.

Chibs is sitting in the front room with a beer and the tv on. He's wearing a tank top with his boxers. I sit next to him, "Hey baby," I say kissing his cheek. He puts his arm around me with a grin, happy that I am awake. "Hey, you okay?" he asks wondering how I am feeling now. I snuggle up to him. I just want to forget today even happened. I don't even remember half of it. Maybe Chibs is right, maybe my mind is protecting me. "I've had better days," I tell him, "You okay?". Chibs nods his head and strokes my hair. "Yeah, I'm fine," he says taking a swig of beer with his spare hand. I smile glad that he is doing okay. I would never forgive myself if he worried about me constantly. "I checked in on Elsie, she is fast asleep. How did you do it?" I ask. Chibs chuckles like I asked a really hilarious question or that I said something outrageous. "I don't know, I read her a story and she went out like a light," he tells me. I can't help but beam at that. Elsie sure is a daddy's girl. I don't blame her, I would be as well if my dad was ever anything like Chibs is with our daughter. "Our little sunshine," I smile. Chibs grins more, "Yeah, she sure is," he says.

This Is...A Happy Homeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن