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Nine hours later, we had arrived in Belfast. Me and some of the other lads were on our Harleys taking in the view of the beautiful countryside city of Belfast. We were heading in to the main part of Belfast when we come across a road block by the Northern Ireland police. They come over to us and ask for ID. I get a little worried knowing that my brother and some of the rest of the lads weren't supposed to leave the country. Sambel were allowed through first and then it came to our turn. I watch cautiously as the police begin to look at our ID and go through their database. I climb off my Harley and go over to the truck since Gemma was in there. She was also feeling a little worried.

"They're going to find out I am sure of it," I say as the police try to detain them. A big fight ends up breaking out between the two clubs and the police. The police tackle them to the ground before handcuffing them and shove them in to a police truck. I look over to one of the Sambel members that was sat in the driver's seat. "What is going to happen with them?" I ask. "Well, in this case they could be getting deported or they will be killed," the guy says which I could see panicked my mother. "Please stop them," Gemma says not wanting that to happen. "I can't do that, I will put myself in danger," the guy says. I knew my mum wouldn't take no for an answer, as she grabs the wheel and tries to run over the officers.

"What you doing you crazy woman?" the guy asks in a panic as he tries to regain control of the wheel. They all jump out the truck and begin to shoot at the officers. I look around shocked at what just happened. If this didn't cause attention before, it sure will now. I join them and help my lads out the back of the police truck. "That was chaotic," I say as I help Jax out the truck and take the handcuffs off him,"who knew Belfast would be this welcoming," I smirk. Jax chuckles slightly. "I know right, thanks," He says as he rubs at his wrists. I smile slightly at him. "No problem," I say I go over to the main police officer and grab him by his collar of his shirt.

"Who told you to deport us?" I ask him sternly. He looked slightly scared. "I don't know we were just told to," the officer says as I punch him in the face over and over again. "Try again," I growl. "I'm telling the truth," He says as I withdraw from him. We weren't going to get anything out of him so we take the officers IDs and blackmail them, before, getting back on our Harleys and in the truck. We drive off to our destination.

I felt the sting of my knuckles now, as, I park up my Harley outside the Sambel clubhouse. I climb off my Harley and take a look at my hand. Damn it hurt. Not as bad when I got shot or had the infection but it still hurt. Maureen and Trinity decide to come on down from their home to greet us. I glance up from my hand and notice my mother staring at a woman and a girl. I wondered who they were.

"Who is that woman?" Trinity asks as she sees the woman staring at them. "That is Gemma Teller," Maureen says as she looks around, her eyes falling on the same guy that her daughter was now looking at. "And I am guessing that guy over there is Jax Teller," Trinity says as Maureen nods her head seeing he looked so much like John. "Aye, it has to be," she says as Trinity spots me with them. "So, who is the young woman with them?" Trinity asks noticing I had bloody knuckles. "That my darling has to be Lexie, the youngest of Gemma's children," Maureen says finding me the splitting image of my mother. They walk over to greet the three of us. "Gemma," Maureen starts, "didn't think you would be coming," she finishes. Gemma looks her up and down. "Things changed," she says. Maureen gives a small smile, "I can see that," she says. I look between the pair of them feeling confused of how they seemed to know each other. "Maureen nice to see you again," Clay says as he walks over to us. "And you," Maureen smiles although she didn't much like Clay.

"This is my daughter Trinity," she tells us as Trinity gives a wave. Gemma looks at Trinity almost as if she was studying her, just to see if she looked like John. Which of course she did. She was John's child meaning there were some similarities there. "Hey, I'm Clay," Clay introduces himself as she smiles "Nice to meet you," she says as Jax goes up to her. "Hi there, I'm Jax," He says as Trinity gives him a slight smile. "I think we did talk on the phone once," Trinity says thinking to herself that he was hella gorgeous. I could see the look in her eyes as she stared at my brother. I roll my eyes. "Don't even get any ideas, he's taken although he did already cheat, I would stay away from him," I say to her as I cut in between them, "Oh and I am Lexie by the way his kid sister," I smirk seeing that Trinity looked shocked at what I had just told her. Maureen was also shocked seeing now that I must be a handful if I was Gemma's double. Jax doesn't say a dicky bird, he felt embarrassed that I had exposed him like that.

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