And Then There's Consequences

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I wake up with a hangover. I realise where I am, noticing that it is the spare room in my mum's house. I climb out of bed and grab my clothes, putting them on. I grab my kutte and wear that as well. I exit the room, walking in to the kitchen. Gemma sees me walk in, "Hey, how you feeling?" she asks knowing I was in a right state last night. "Like a train hit me," I admit, since I am feeling rough this morning. "Oh, that's what drinking does for you," she says. Snarky bitch, did she have to make that comment? "I'm sorry okay," I say. Gemma makes me a coffee, I sit at the kitchen table. I hate how I am not home with my husband and daughter. "Good, now today's a brand new day, so learn from your mistakes," she says smiling. I smile slightly as she says that, thinking maybe she is not such a snarky bitch. "I will do," I say not wanting to be away from my daughter anymore than I have been, "I wasn't mean to anyone yesterday was I?" I ask, knowing I can be quite mean when I am on the drink. Gemma nods her head, "To me and Clay," she responds. I immediately felt bad not meaning to upset them if I did. "You know I never mean it right," I remind her, hoping she did know that since I would never mean to be horrible. Jax enters the house, "Is Chibs coming?" I ask, really wanting to see my husband. "He is, yes," Jax says as Chibs walks in after him. I run over to Chibs and hug him. I have missed him so much, "I'm sorry about last night," I say. Chibs kisses me passionately, since he missed me so much as well. He withdraws, "I forgive you," he says, hoping I don't fall down that hole again. It has been hell going without me for one night. "Shall we head home?" he asks. I nod my head, since I really want to see Elsie.

Arriving home, I feel so relieved to know that I am able to see my little sunshine. I take Elsie in to my arms, kissing her head and snuggling up to her. I spend the rest of the morning having breakfast with my daughter.

The morning flies by so quickly. I end up at the clubhouse, walking in to Jax's dorm room, where I find Opie in there with Ima. "What the fuck," I say getting deja vu from when Tara caught Jax in here with the same girl. "I see you're at it again you little whore," I growl. Ima smirks as she looks at Opie, then back at me. "He wanted me not the other way. Or you jealous?" she asks. I look at her in disgust that she would ask me such a thing. "I ain't jealous, Opie is my best friend and is like a brother to me," I growl even more than I did in the beginning. "Jax," I shout seeing Opie is just sitting there. Jax walks in wondering what the hell is going on. "What is it?" he asks. I place my hands on my hips and give him a look over at Ima. "Look who Opie slept with last night. A porn star, but not his porn star wife," I tell him. Jax sighs, "Well we all make mistakes Lex," he says. I hate how this is happening all over again, same situation, same girl. "Right, okay, I am seriously getting deja vu. You didn't give two shits when you cheated on Tara with this slut. Oh my days, I would never cheat on someone I love, so why are two of my favourite guys doing it to the ladies they love?" I ask. Jax couldn't stand to hear this, he goes to walk out the room. I roll my eyes, "You both fucking frustrate me," I say, looking at Opie. "Can't you get your shit together?" I ask sternly. Ima gives me a dirty look hating how I am getting so overdramatic over this. "Maybe you should mind your business when it come to "two of your favourite guys"," Ima smirks, whilst using air quotes. I punch her in the face and smacking it in to a wall, before beating her up over and over again. Opie tries to get me off her, but it is no use. "Jax!" he shouts knowing he needs help.

Jax enters the room again seeing the commotion. He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. "Get the fuck off me, that slut deserves it," I growl as he carries me out the room. Opie checks on Ima to see if she is okay. "No sorry, you need to calm the fuck down," Jax growls back. I hate him as he growls at me, "I am calm, I am just giving that bitch what she deserves now put me down. Put. Me. Down," I say sternly. He puts me down, once we are in our mother's office, shutting the door in the process. "This isn't fair Jax and you know it. I don't even think I recognise you or Ope anymore," I sigh. Jax turns to look at me, "I don't care, we're grown men now," he tells me. I laugh at that wondering if he is trying to be funny. "Grown men my ass. Grown men wouldn't cheat on the women they love. Chibs is a grown man. You and Opie. You're just two boys who haven't grown up yet and I say that out of tough love. I think the world of you and Ope. But you Jackson, you are just like our father. Literally like father like son. Dad went off behind mum's back in Ireland to have a second life, and you, well you slept with a skank behind Tara's back," I growl. Jax gives me a disapproving look, hating that I have compared him to our father. "Oh shut up judging me, you bitch. You're not so perfect, why don't you take a look at your own life before judging mine," he growls back, leaving the office. I fold my arms, watching him leave through the side door that connects to the garage.

"You alright?" Opie asks seeing Jax walk over to him in a bad mood. Jax shakes his head knowing he is not okay at all. "Nah, she's such a bitch," he says. Opie smiles slightly knowing I can be quite judgemental at the best of times. "She's your sister Jax, she just cares, I know what I did was wrong," he tells him. Jax also knew that what Opie did was wrong, but didn't want to give me the statisfaction that I am right and he is not. "I know man, but she don't get to do that," he says. Opie has a feeling that Jax will see the bright side about this whole situation. "Ima's face is pretty much messed up," he smirks knowing I did quite the number on the skank. "Shit, that's not good," Jax says thinking that might blow back on me. "I guess you could say Lex is looking out for her family," Ope says not seeing anything wrong with what I did. "I guess so," Jax agrees wondering if he is right.

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