And The Bikers Return

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14 months pass (1 year and 2 months), Chibs and I had a baby girl named Elsie Gemma Teller-Telford. We are also engaged. Gemma is now off house arrest. Tara had a baby named Thomas, since she found she was pregnant once Jax was inside. Thomas is one and Elsie is two months old.

Chibs, Opie and I along with some of the rest of the lads, go to the prison to greet, the lads in prison as they are released. I felt so excited to see my brother again, I even have his kutte with me. Jax comes out the prison gates with Clay, Juice, Tig and Happy. "Hey," he says as he walks over to me. I hug him tight glad to see him. "Hi," I say, he winces slightly and I withdraw giving him a slight smile. I knew that in prison he got stabbed by one of the Russian people in the prison. As retaliation for giving them fake money. "Sorry," I say not meaning to make him hurt. He kisses my head and puts his arm around me, "It's okay, don't worry, you okay?" he says. I snuggle up to him, feeling happy he didn't die in prison. "I have really missed you, that's all, you okay?" I ask. Jax takes his arm away from me when we reach our Harleys, "I'm okay," he says, wanting to go home to spend time with his new son. I can not wait for him to meet Elsie. "Good," I smile, handing him his kutte. Jax takes it from me and grins, before putting it on. I walk over to Chibs' Harley since I was riding on the back of his. I wrap my arms around his waist and we begin our ride to the clubhouse.

However, on the way there we come across a road block, by the new sheriff. Roosevelt walks over to us. "Welcome back gentlemen, I would like to tell you that you can't wear your kuttes in public, because it could harm your parole, if I catch you again you could land back inside," Roosevelt smirks. Clay stares at him, "We're not a gang, just a group of motorcycle enthusiasts," he grins. I try not to giggle at that. "If you say so," Roosevelt says, letting us go past.

At the clubhouse, I get off the back of Chibs' bike. There is a meeting in ten, so I go over to my mum and take Elsie from her. Jax walks over to us, Tara has Thomas in her arms and Abel is sat at the picnic bench colouring, he is now two. "You ready for the meeting?" Jax asks knowing it is going to be a big one for me. "Yeah, I just thought you would like to meet your niece first," I smile, holding my daughter in my arms. "And obviously you want to see your second son," Tara interrupts, handing Thomas over to Jax. She's acting like this is the first time Jax is meeting his second son. I give her an eye roll. We both know Jax met his son in prison, when she took him to meet his father. "Course I do, hey buddy," Jax says to Thomas kissing his head, before looking at me. "Oh wow, my niece really," he grins feeling so happy for me. "Sure is, her name is Elsie and her middle name is Gemma," I smile. Jax grins loving that I named my daughter after our mum, "That's cute," he says. I go to hand Elsie over to Tara, she takes her from me. Tara and I have started to build bridges and become friends. I still don't like her much, what's that saying?, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Tara sets Elsie down in her pram, "Here let me take Thomas so you can do this meeting," Tara says, taking Thomas from Jax's arms and gives Elsie her pacifier. "Okay, I will see you after," Jax says. Tara smiles as she watches me and Jax enter the clubhouse.

I wait outside the chapel, knowing I couldn't go in until the lads made their vote. "It is good to be back, and you know what this vote is for. Little Lex joining the club properly, being a member of SAMCRO. Now I want you to take in the fact that this will make history, since she will be the first female to ever be in a motorcycle club like ours," Clay tells the lads, "I will go first and we will go around the table, I say yes" he says. Tig, Opie, Piney, Juice, Bobby and Happy all say yes. Chibs and Jax also say yes. "That settles it, Lexie is apart of the club, bring her in," Clay says. Bobby opens the door and lets me in. I walk in and smile at them all slightly. This is my family, but right now I am nervous wondering what the verdict is. Clay walks over to me and grins, "Congratulations little Lex," he say as he hands me a patch and hugs me. I smile feeling relieved and happy, I hug him back. "Thank you so much," I say, he withdraws and grins more at me happy I am now a fully fledged member. I put the patch on. "Make us proud," he says as the lads cheer and bang on the table. I giggle finding them all silly. "Always," I say to Clay knowing I am not going to let this club down. Ever. We leave chapel to celebrate the lads return and me being patched in. It is mine and Chibs' wedding day tomorrow, I felt so happy knowing my life is going the way I want it to. I pick Elsie up out of her pram, she smiles at me whilst I walk over to Chibs. "Damn this all feels like a dream," I say, looking down at my kutte amazed that it is actually mine. "I know what you mean, I have to pinch myself sometimes," he grins. I smile at him as he says that, "Look at our beautiful girl, such a happy girl," I say as Elsie looks at her daddy. "She really is gorgeous," Chibs grins thinking Elsie gets her looks from me. I smile at our little girl, she is mine and Chibs' little sunshine. "This is what I have always wanted since I was a little girl, to grow up and be apart of my father's legacy by joining the club. And I wanted a child with someone who loved me so much. This is all I have ever wanted," I tell him. Chibs grins glad I am finally getting what I always wanted. I kiss his cheek, "You mean the world to me," I say. I felt so happy with our little family. "And you, my lass, mean the world to me," Chibs says making me smile. I love it when he calls me his lass. Gemma is not happy about me joining the club, she felt really worried.

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