where is my Typewriter?

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Enid: Wednesday! I swear to God if i ruin my perfectly nails done I will hide your typewriter for a weeks and next time I'm going to be the one choosing a location

Wednesday: oh come this is fun don't be a whine puppy you can actually climb with your claws just get up here so we go home

Enid panting: I swear to God when I get out here!

The next day when Wednesday got back to there dorm

Wednesday: where the he'll is my typewriter? She looks at Enid with arms cross while enid is in her bed watching her phone

Enid: what are you looking at?

Wednesday: I swear to God where is my typewriter before you have 5mins left for me to kill you!

Enid: you won't kill me you love and I hide

Wednesday: where did you hide my typewriter?

Enid: I don't know?

Wednesday: Enid!

Enid: I not going to tell you because your grounded from typing  for a week

Wednesday: what I am going to do without my typewriter then?

Enid: read a book kill someone not actually but idk what you do anyways

Wednesday look up at the top shelf: IS THAT MY TYPEWRITER!?

Enid: oh finally you found it!

Wednesday: why is it doing there?

Enid: oh so you can't reach it

Wednesday: I'll ask thing to get it for me instead

Enid saw thing: thing no do not or I'll kill you with my claws thing backs away

Wednesday: you can't say that to me oy me who is threating him!

Enid: babe where dating and besides he's my friend to of course I'll do that to him if he doesn't listen to me isn't he?

Wednesday: he's a hand Enid!

Enid: just do something else

Wednesday: Fine. She went outside to do something while enid was just laying there


Gaydracula: what is happening why is wednesday fighting a huge Bear on her own where is enid by the way?

Hot girl fr: she and enid had a fight and wednesday is grounded for a week without her typewriter

Gaydracula: fr why tho?

Bladiebitch: maybe because wednesday took Enid to a dangerous place on there date now let me sleep

Snakehead: it's 10 in the morning bianca?

Bladiebitch: stfu you stupid as snakehead

Snakehead: did you guys change my name again what is up with people  asking me different names?

Did you think I was dead you wish anyways hope you like it and bye see you next thousands years again for me to update haha.

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