A high party

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Got inspired by @MentallyUnstablegay2
I couldn't stop laughing about that Ajax incident I couldn't even breath properly  okay enough about that let's jump in to the chat shall we.

I get high alot fr: guys I'm having a party  at my place who wanna come over there beer tho

Shewolf: I'll pass

Blackemocat: I'm in I need a beer

Shewolf: will no you'll get high again

Artboy: sure why not

Gayhyde: I'm in

Gaydracula fr: ohh I'm going I need to get high and maybe drink something shots of beer also I need a break from div

Shewolf: wait why

Gaydracula fr: she needs space from me

Shewolf: did you guys had a fight or something

Hot girl fr: on matter of fact yes we did and now I'm think of it I think we need a break up

Gaydracula fr: fine if that's what you wanted

Hot girl fr: fine!

Gaydracula fr: fine then where over!

Shewolf: wait nonono

Blackemocat: well I'm going now

Gaydracula fr: I'm coming with you

Blackemocat: sure

I get high alot fr: yay let's get high yall 

The next day

Artboy: guys Wednesday just accidentally cop Ajax dick we where so high and drunk at the same time

Gaydracula fr: wens thought it was a stick hahaha I can't breath help

Blackemocat: it was an accident I thought it was a stick

I get high alot fr: fuck you wednesday now I'm in the hospital with my mom

Blackemocat: I mean it was your idea to invite us and host A high party

I get high alot fr: it's fine wens it wasn't your fault it was the drugs and Yoko fault

Gaydracula fr: why is it my fault

I get high alot fr: because you dared wens to cop a stick

Gaydracula fr: and why were you naked at the time

I get high alot fr: I was high and drunk bitch

Shewolf: guys it's 6am in the damn morning what are you guys talking about.

Gayhyde: my head hurts can someone give me a pill

Blackemocat: i cop Ajax dick last night and I'm sorry I didn't came home I know your worried and sick for wanting

Shewolf: no worries love mom took the kids and I went to divina room to comforting her after the break up.

Blackemocat: I know I'll get you something when I get back

Shewolf: okay I love you stay safe

Blackemocat: i love you too Cara mia

Bladiebitch: you to get a room and divina and Yoko broke up wtf and wednesday cop Ajax dick I'm really missing out

Shewolf: well duh you where out of town with Lucas

Bladiebitch: that's true and I bought gifts for everyone it at your front door by now I can't be home because my pookie bear still wants to be with him but no worries ill be back about 4days

Gaydracula fr: oh could you find me a bitch tho

Bladiebitch: no and you just broke up with div and your dead to me tanka whe  I get back

Blackemocat: same divina is like my best friend who likes the same tastes as me

Shewolf: aww wens but now she's sleeping she was tired of crying last night

Gaydracula fr: I don't get a fuck Ajax when you get back give me weed

Ajax: no can do my mom took my weed away from me because she knows I was hosting a high party and she grounded me

Gaydracula fr: dang it then ill just buy a cigarette from  the store then

Shewolf: Yoko you promise me and divina you won't smoke again

Gaydracula fr: who cares she's not my girlfriend anymore and you would smoke with me besides wens back

Blackemocat:you what?

Shewolf: it was back then Willa I don't smoke anymore

Blackemocat: you better be and Tanaka you could kill your self by that right

Gaydracula fr: who cares

Shewolf:I do yoko

Bladiebitch: I don't what she did to divina

Artboy: since when did Yoko smoke

I get high alot fr: since we re alive the night shade when she dated a girl a got depressed and she smoke because her ex left her

Artboy: when they didn't date yet

Bladiebitch: exactly

Gaydracula fr: could you guys leave me alone

Blackemocat: we can't

Gaydracula fr: whatever

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