"I do not understand?" Though his face had softened considerably, his tone took on a firm quality. "Who would harm me?"

Daenaera's eyes lifted as she looked at him seriously and with worry. "Who else...?" She sighed. "You do not know Daemon. He is...a scary man," She said softly, almost like whispering it was too loud.

She remembered what he did to Jacaerys when he found out the boy wanted to offer his hand to her. He hurt him.

She remembered when she was to wed her brother. He brought Caraxes and destroyed the Sept.

Daemon saw her as his, and he wouldn't give that up so easily. She had no idea what Daemon would do to Marcellus. But the thought worried her.

Marcellus was quiet, the mention of his name bringing fury into his eyes. He clenched his fists, his jaw stiffened at the mention.

"You are afraid of him."

He stared at her for a few moments, and then, he stepped forward and placed his hands on her upper arms.

No, she thought, I'm afraid for you.

She looked at him sadly. "It is better this way. If I leave, I can find Moonheart and fly away a thousand leagues from Daemon," She whispered.

"The prince does not own you," He responded back, his fingers tightening as he speaks. It's clear he does not want to let her leave. "His hold over you is finished." He's looking at her, and his voice softened slightly. "Do you understand?"

Daenaera looked down, solemn and quiet.

His thumbs rubbed circles around her arms. His voice took on a firmer tone again. "Look at me," he ordered, raising one hand to gently tilt her face upwards.

Her eyes met his.

Once they locked eyes again, he does not look away. "I will protect you from him. You do not need to leave," He said this with firmness, but also warmth. Marcellus' hand dropped down, and he took a step forward to put his body closer to hers. "No one will hurt you whilst you are under my protection, princess."

Her eyes watered, and she looked down at his chest. Her lips quivering.

"I want to go home," She admitted brokenheartedly, voice cracking. "I want my mother, my sweet sister Helaena, and my brothers..." She sucked in a breath. "...Aemond, most of all."

"Then I shall take you home," He responded firmly. "I swear it."


"I loved Daenaera, I did," Daemon confessed. His words flowing in the wind. "She broke my heart. I loved her. She was the only one for me. I would have wed her. She alone made me want to be a better man. I loved how she smelled. The sweet perfume that she always wore. I have never known such a pleasure as to lay with Daenaera. To be at one with her flesh."

His words continued with such heavenly bliss.

"Her kisses were like honey on my lips. She took my hand, and she led me down a path that I was reluctant to follow. When I was in her bed I understood. I would give her all of me." His eyes closed. "She told me things. In the soft tones of her voice, in the way she ran her fingers through my hair, she told me her desires. And I wanted nothing but to please her. To hear the sound of her breathing. The words of her panting. My only fear was that when the pleasure was over I would no longer be enough for her."

The Art of Seduction > DAEMON TARGARYEN <Where stories live. Discover now