Silver Teardrops

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Daniel stood there silently as he watched both Nightwings let out tears though after the sudden outcry he understood why. 
The older dragon in front of him who was now on her knees with tears was none other than Secretkeeper, Moons' Mother. 

Moon clearly also knew that as she too struggled to keep serious though Daniel didn't blame her, in fact he actually felt quite sorry for her. 
Having to keep composure right when your parents were breaking down in front of you at your supposed 'disappearance' Must be difficult.

As he looked over to Moons sad face he sighed deeply, He knew that she must of wanted to run into her mothers wings and let it all out. 
And for that one reason Daniel knew what had to be done... even if it was probably one of the dumbest things he'd done so far. 

He took off his hood but just as he was about to speak Secretkeeper cut him off with a small whimper. 
"Why... why would you take her? WHY DID YOU TAKE HER?!" her soft words turned into another fit of rage and sadness one could only expect from a loving mother. 

Daniel shook his head. "I didn't do anything of the sort" He said though this only earned him an angry slap across the face from Secretkeeper. 
If it was anyone else he would of immediately dodged the attack and made his own, but he could see the pain in her eyes and as such he didn't do anything at all. 

Secretkeepers talon hit him across the face, her claws drawing a little blood but it wasn't anything to be bothered about. 
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOTHING OF THE SORT?! YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER! AND NOW WHERE IS SHE? IS SHE CRYING? ALONE? HURT..?" She yelled angrily before pausing and looking at the ground. 
"Is... Is she dead...?" 

As Secretkeeper began to break down again Daniel took this time to took at Moon before he sighed deeply. 
'They're going to find out eventually...' 

"Your daughter isn't dead, Moon's alive and well, and we're still good friends" He explained though Secretkeeper didn't buy it for a second. 

"You're lying! Why would my daughter still be friends with YOU after what you did to her!" 
She cried out, finally getting enough strength to look him in the eyes. 
Her eyes were cold, yet full of grief at the idea of her dead daughter, even though by much irony she was standing right in front of her. 

"Wolf... Take off your hood" Daniel said which caught both Moon and Secretkeeper off guard. 

"What?! You want me to reveal myself to her?!" Moon cried, a little panic setting in after Daniel nodded. 

"Yes.. I know what you want the most at the moment, so I suggest you take your opportunity before I change my mind." Daniel stated. 

After his words finished Moon understood what he was 'really' telling her to do, and as such she did so with little hesitation. 
Slowly she took her hood down from her head so that Secretkeeper could see who she really was. 

Secretkeepers eyes widened with surprise and life as she laid her eyes on her daughter alive and well. 

Moon smiled, dried tears still present on her cheeks though barely visible. 
She didn't get much of a chance to say anything though as quickly Moon found herself tightly and warmly embraced by Secretkeeper. 

"OH MY MOONS! YOU'RE ALIVE! THANK THE STARS YOU'RE ALIVE!" She cried as she continued to tightly hug her to the point where Daniel got concerned whether Moon was even able to breath though he dismissed the idea after he heard Moon talk. 

"Yes, I'm alive don't worry, I'm here..." She sniffled as she too wrapped her wings around her chest. 
It hadn't been long since they last saw each other at the school but since the chaos that's occurred in the past few days it had seemed like a long time.

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