A Proper Introduction

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The sun had begin to set, Daniel was talking with Qibli and Kinkajou who were explaining to him how things worked around the school.

'Except I already know this from the books..., Just play it cool Daniel, pretend you never went to school before'

Essentially Daniel was just getting a reminder on how things worked and so. Nothing new but it was good information to know so Daniel keep listening. Occasionally his mind drifted off to other matters like needing to find Moonwatcher to get his prophecy issue resolved.

'Alright so I need to find her and maybe the rest of the Jade Winglet could help me get it fixed.' Daniel then realised something. 'Wait... I Don't know what point In the story I'm in and for all I know if I mess something up...' Daniel felt shivers crawl over his entire body. 'who knows what may happen...'

It was only a few moments later he snapped back to reality when Qibli and Kinkajou looked at him concerningly. "you alright Hurricane? It looks like you just realised the world might end" Qibli laughed, though there was a concerning tone in his words. "Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry, still a bit shook from the flight." Daniel lied. "Don't worry about it it you're fine now right" Kinkajou chimed in.

"yeah I guess so" 'but I'm not sure for how long with this prophecy on my back' Daniel thought with worry.

"Anyway you should go and have a chat with Fatespeaker if you want to enrol" Qibli said,

"Yeah, I'll go do that now, thanks for the help, Qibli and Kinkajou"

"Anytime" both dragons smiled

Daniel took off towards the schools entrance. He landed in front of a dark purple and black dragon. 'Guess I found her' Daniel thought.

"Hey, you're Fatespeaker right?" Daniel said trying his best to sound like he didn't already know every little thing about the school.

"Yep that's me!" she said enthusiastically

"Cool, Great, I was thinking of enrolling in Jade Mountain Academy. Do you by any chance have a spot for me?"

Fatespeakers eyes lit up, "Of course we do! We're actually in need of a Skywing after the history cave incident..." her voice died down a little when she mentioned the incident. 'she's probably referring to the explosion that killed Carnelian."

"I'll go tell the others the good news!" and with that she ran off happily towards the back of the school.

'Damn, talk about mood swings' Daniel thought. 'Guess I'll just wait here for a bit'
Daniel looked around at the crowd of dragons of all different shapes and sizes. Some were flying around playing tag, others were chatting, and some where hunting. Daniel even spotted a few dragons in relationships, most of which were inter-tribal. 'Hmm, guess you'd eventually fall for someone while you're here.

A few moments later Fatespeaker returned with who Daniel immediately recognised as the Dragonets of Destiny. "Oh hey you're back" Daniel said casually.

"Hey, so-" Fatespeaker started before a devastatingly loud blaring noise came from somewhere inside the mountain. Daniel immediately covered his ears drowning most of the sound out. He was able to make out the faint voice of a male but didn't quite hear what it said.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Daniel shouted. However everyone around him had already fallen into a deep sleep. 'what in the name of sorcery is this...' Daniel thought fearfully.
However soon he heard some voices approaching.

'Shoot ! I need to hide!' without thinking Daniel flew just above the cave entrance. It was a bad hiding place but it was the best he could do for the moment. Soon the dragons speaking came into view.

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