Goodnight ninja's [End] 😭😘😔

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is really heartbreaking for me, especially because I created this book just about 1 year ago today, and this must be big for you guys too, especially the ones who were there since the beginning, so brace yourselves!

Okay here goes,
What's up readers!! I am very sad to announce that this will be the last chapter of this book, ninjago Texting. I know, it's sudden but I figured this one has just been going on too long, and it's hard to balance 3 books. Therefore I will be concluding this one and headcannons, but damn, can I just say, it's been a hell of a year and to be honest I just created this book for fun, I didn't think I would keep writing a year later!! And you guys have made my life so bright, and now it's time to say a goodbye to this book, but no matter what it will always be close to me, it's one of my first Wattpad books I started this at the same time as headcannons!! I didn't expect for any of this to happen yet it did. I had no plan, nothing and look where we are!! So for this long story, I think it's time to close it up. But no worries your author has a plan!! I have many ideas for fan fictions, and I'm sure you all will be very excited!! So this isn't the end of everything, just this book. And to start a new journey of reading, we must close the old one and open the new one!! I apologize for not being able to fulfill all your requests, but at the rate I've updated, we'll be here another year!! So before I leave this book, I just want to say,

THANK YOUUU!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Thank you for giving me the chance to make you smile, make you laugh!! Thank you for reading this book and I miss you all a lot already!! It's time to say goodnight now 😌


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