Chapter 57

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"Someday, I will go to Elbaf...!" Usopp said dreamily as he looked out at the ocean "To the village of warriors..." 

"Yeah! Me too!" Luffy cheered happily 

"Gi-Gi-Giants!" They cheered with a hand over each other's shoulders "Elbaf! Elbaf! Everyone is huge!" 

"They're so huge! Because they're Giants" They continued singing while Karoo ran around happily "Gi-Gi-Giants! Everyone is huge!"

"Where do they get so much energy..." Nami mumbled to herself, her back leaning against the mast as she sat against it tiredly "Whoa..." Letting out a breath Nami placed her hand on her forehead under her bangs "I'm suddenly exhausted after everything that's happened — (Y/n) could you watch this compass for me?" 

"Sure" (Y/n) said as she took it from her hand "It's fine if you're tired, it was a crazy day after all..." 

"Qua?" Karoo ran to (Y/n)'s side to glance at the Log Pose 

"Hmh" (Y/n) glanced at him in confusion before hesitantly placing her hand on his head "You're quite cute for a duck the size of a horse..." 

"Qua!" He quacked in delight when she ran her han through his feathers 

"Karoo likes people petting him" Vivi chuckled as she sat beside Nami who looked at the two in exhaustion "I see he's quite fond of you"

"I'm good with animals" (Y/n) said softly and then glanced at the Log in her hand "We're heading in the right direction so there isn't anything to worry about for now..." 

"That's good, we'll be able to get Vivi to Alabasta quicker with a safe course," Nami said with a smile but the way her eyes were only halfway open made the (H/c) worry 

"Yes, I must return..." Vivi nodded with a smile "After all I have to return alive..." She then said sadly while looking at the Log Pose in (Y/n)'s hand

Usopp and Luffy stopped in their tracks and stopped singing as they looked at the Princess, who had her head bowed down as she looked at her fidgeting hands in her lap, a frown on her lips as she took in a deep breath in thought 

"There's no need to push yourself so hard, Vivi" Sanji said as he walked down the stairs with a tray in hand that had many different sweets on it "You have us after all!"

"Charmer..." Nami chuckled with a roll of her eyes 

"Today's relaxing sweets" Sanji offered as he kneeled in front of them with the plate in hand "How about some petit fours? For drinks, you have your choice of coffee or tea..." 

"Qua..." Karoo's eyes fixated on the sweets as he stepped closer almost hypnotized by the food on the plate

"Whoa!" Usopp's mouth watered as he jumped toward the Cook 

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