Chapter 48

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Slowly, (Y/n)'s eyes opened as she sat up. She was sitting on the soft green couch while around her all she heard was snoring in the dark room with moonlight being the only source of light that came through the window

"Catch him!"

"Where'd he go?"

"How would I know?!"

Shouts came from outside, were they looking for someone?
(Y/n) moved her hand to grip her head which was pulsing in pain, her cheeks were still flushed from the ungodly amount of alcohol she consumed thanks to the nun or rather Miss Sunday

"Huh? Where's... Where's Zoro?" (Y/n) uttered as she slowly got off the couch while stumbling over her two feet trying to make her way to the door

When she opened it, the moonlight shone bright onto her eyes making her squint before she heard even more shouts

"Look, it's the Marine!"

"Isn't she supposed to be asleep?"

"Huh?" Opening her eyes and putting her hand on the doorframe, (Y/n) leaned on it for support as she looked in confusion at the citizens of this island who were all carrying different types of weapons "Did something happen?"

"No point in pretending"

"Mr. Eight told us to kill her, might as well do it now"

One of the men turned to her while pointing his rifle straight at her face making her eyes widen as she took a step back from the door, her hand slowly slipped off the doorframe

"Ah—" (Y/n) yelped as she fell backward into a sitting position "Ow..." She mumbled while rubbing her lower back in pain "Why do you... Kill me?" She asked but her words were slurred together while her eyes were still half open

"Honestly this is kind of pathetic— AH!" Out of nowhere, the man who was previously pointing a gun at her fell to the ground with blood slowly coloring his white shirt

"He... Hey, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked as she slowly stood up before Zoro landed in front of her

"Come on" He ordered as he nudged her forward before running past her inside the building where the rest of the Straw Hats were still sleeping

"There he is!"

"Kill him!"

Zoro slashed the wall of the building before breaking it and jumping outside, he then stopped to look at (Y/n) who was still in the building

"Don't just stand there like an idiot!" He scolded but his eyes slightly widened when he saw her eyes tear up "Eh?"

"Shut up, why do you have to be such an asshole?" She sniffled while wiping away the tears, her shoulders shaking as she glared at him through teary eyes "If you don't like me j-just say so! Don't insult me..."

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