Chapter 47

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"Welcome to the Grand Line!"

"Welcome to our town!" 

"To the welcoming town, Whisky Peak!"

"T... Those aren't monsters" Usopp mumbled as he lowered his slingshot "Those are people! And they're... Welcoming us...?"

"Hahaha! How weird!" Luffy laughed as he looked around while the Going Merry continued sailing through the river and into the town

"What's going on?" Sanji asked as he halted his movements while Zoro sheathed back his sword

"I don't know" (Y/n) mumbled with a deep breath "But I don't like it"

"Pirates! Welcome to our town!" 

"Hurray for the heroes on the sea!" 

"Whoa," Sanji's eyes widened and turned into hearts "There are lots of cute girls!" 

"Maybe Pirates are people's heroes after all..." Usopp whispered to (Y/n) 

Soon, the Going Merry was docked at the side of the river where Zoro dropped the anchor. When the Straw Hats set their foot on the ground more cheers erupted making (Y/n) even more on edge as she chose to stick to Nami's side 

"Wel— Augh" The man coughed into his hand "Ma-ma-ma..." He sang as if to check that his notes were high enough while (Y/n) just raised an eyebrow "Welcome" He finally said "My name is Igarappoi, I'm the Mayor of Whisky Peak" 

'No way 'Igarappoi' is his real name...'  (Y/n) thought as she just stared at the Mayor 

"Okay, I'm Luffy, nice to meet you," Luffy said with a blank stare before a grin appeared on his face and he pointed at Igarappoi "Pops, you went overboard on curling your hair" 

"Whisky Peak is a town that thrives on making liquor and music" Igarappoi continued with a pleasant smile "Hospitality is the pride of our town and as for our proud liquor it's as bountiful as the seawater" 

'And what do they get in return for this hospitality...?'  (Y/n) thought as she looked at the Mayor with even more skepticism 

"Would you allow us to throw a party for you so that we may hear your tales of— Augh" He coughs again "Ma-ma-ma..." He sang and then continued like nothing happened "Your tales of adventure?"

"We'll be glad to!"

"We'll be glad to!" 

"We'll be glad to!" 

Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp cheered happily before running off

"Three idiots..." Nami mumbled as she stood in between (Y/n) and Zoro who rested his hand on the handle of his sword "Say, by the way-" Nami began as she looked at Igarappoi who turned to her "-How long will it take for the Log of this island to be stored?" 

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