A crush

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Cole POV:

It was a sunny day outside of my window, making me to step out of my bed. It was a rare occurrence for me to leave my bed as soon as I woke up, but I decided to do so today. My mind was usually full of thoughts of Kai every morning. I had liked him for a long time, but I knew that he didn't feel the same way about me. It wasn't a secret that he had a crush on Skylor, and I couldn't blame him. Skylor was better than me in every way. She was funny, smart, and beautiful, making her the perfect match for Kai. I had come to accept that the two guys could not be together, so I tried to move on from my feelings for Kai. It was a slow process, and even after seven years, I still found it hard to let go completely.

I remember when I first started liking Kai. I thought that I had a chance with him, but as time went on, I realised that I could never be enough for him. Skylor was the one who could make him happy, and I wanted that for him. He was the best person I knew, and he deserved someone who could love him just as much as he loved her. Even though it broke my heart, I promised to myself that I would be there for him if he needed help asking Skylor out. I would do anything to see him happy because that's how much he meant to me. Even if it breaks my heart. I just want him to be happy. That's all I live for. See his smile.

I was holding the handle but I changed my mind as I started crying and rather than opening the door I locked them. It was like gambling. I can still ruin it but... I will stay... even tho my brain and everything said otherwise. My heart was the lead in this situation. The tears started falling down my cheeks. Maybe I didn't move on at all... I smiled to myself. "I am so foolish"... I suddenly laughed while crying. I guess I fell for the wrong person. A one that will never share my feelings with me. A mistake... something that will make you regret everything. The daylight shining at me made my tears look so beautiful and desperate. I guess love can hurt badly.

As I was sitting in my room, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone, so I felt a bit startled. "Hey Cole? Are you...okay? I heard crying," said a familiar voice. It was my Jay. I hesitated for a moment, wondering whether I should let him in or not. I didn't want anyone to see me in this state, but I also didn't want to be alone.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Jay looked at me with concern in his eyes. I tried to hide my tears and put on a smile. "Yeah! Uhh- Jay... That's not me!" I said, trying to sound as convincing as possible. But deep down, I knew he wouldn't believe me. Jay knew me too well - he could tell when something was wrong.

"Okay, if you want to talk... I am here," he said before leaving. I didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. On one hand, I was glad that he had left me alone. On the other hand, I felt like I needed someone to talk to. I sat down on my bed and stared at the wall. The truth was, the ending always stayed the same. Jay always left because he knew that if I wanted to talk, I would reach out to him. But I didn't. I didn't know how to open up to anyone, not even my closest friend.

After putting on my gi, I waited for a while before going outside. I knew the right time to go out was when I no longer looked like I had been crying. Only Jay knows about this. About any of my real emotions. He is a real Best friend...

I came to the kitchen and said "Hey guys!" Jay looked worried as always but everyone else didn't notice. Which is a good thing. I looked around when I heard Kai walk in from outside literally screaming in happiness "I asked Skylor out!!!" My eyes widened but I smiled and said "Congratulations." Now Jay seemed to get really worried. I just looked at him the way I look at him when I don't want him to say anything.

"Cole, can we talk?" He didn't listen. Everyone looked confused... He grabbed me and took me to the gaming room. "Are you... okay?" I looked at him and answered right away "Of course why wouldn't I be?" He said a simple sentence. "Don't boil your emotions, I know you like Kai" I laughed "Don't worry about me Jay..!" Then I saw others outside the room... worst of all Kai. When I realized they heard everything I ran to my room.

I heard Nya and Jay argue about the fact he didn't tell Nya. Now I felt bad because I ruined also Jay and Nya's relationship. I broke. I am a bad friend. My best friend is arguing with his girlfriend because of me. I am just hurting everyone. I went to my wardrobe, picked some stuff and my notebook.

I decided to write a letter that just said: I promise that the ending always stays the same so there's no good reason to go after me. I smiled as I wrote it and left. It was too much. It will help me move on and I don't want to be the one that makes all of us fall apart. AND it's my natural reaction. I don't stand against my problems I bottle them up or run away from them. I don't think anyone realized that I left. "I just want you to know... I'll miss you forever..." I smiled at the direction of the monastery with all my friends in it.

My father wanted me to go to music school and I love music so might as well give it a shot. It was almost time to sign up for the new school year. So I di. And I went to my father who was happy I quit. He didn't want me to do it cause he was worried..? He said he wouldn't tell ninja I was here if they asked.


I became a vigilante who worked alone and other ninjas hated me. They didn't even know it was me and I also go to school now. I made friends and even tho I still like Kai I am slowly moving on. Slowly. They are still looking for me. I also write song texts and sing them. I got popular after I released my first love song. "Hey Cole. What did you get from the test..?" I laughed and asked, "Why did you fail again?" my friend Michael started to get upset "I didn't... but I got... C-... Don't tell me you got A+ again?" I looked at him and spoke in a teasing tone "What if I did" I laughed even harder on his face.

Kai POV:

It's been two years since Cole left. I miss him. I didn't realise how much I cared till he left. It was devastating for all of us. Ninjago is a big city and we don't even know if he left to a different dimension. Maybe we won't see him ever again. I got a Cole plushie from Nya and Skylor never meant it and cheated.

I always hoped we would find him until I heard Zane "EVERYONE COME HERE!" he sounded happy. Everyone came to him and we all asked what was happening. "Me and Pixal were on a date.." Jay rolled his eyes "So?" he looked at him and continued "And we found a person looking weirdly similar so we scanned him and he is Cole!" Tears start falling down my cheeks and I smile. "WHERE IS HE?!" Zane looked at me and spoke "He goes to the music high school. Supposedly he lives in a dormitory with a guy named Michael" He pointed at a map "The dormitory is here" and I wasn't there.

I ran. "Hello is there a guy named Cole Brookstone?" The guy looked at me. "Do you know him?" I answered "Yes..?" Then he asked "Did he invite you?" and I confusedly said "no..?" he smiled "Okay well I need revenge for him laughing at my outfit this morning so room 175."

"Cole?!" I smiled and ran to him. "Hello? Who are you." Cole wasn't there. instead, there was a guy that looked like me just a little different hairstyle. "Is Cole here?" he smiled "Nope! He is in the studio he is making a song about his crush." he went back to a paper. "Just leave." he looked at me angrily. "Dude I am back. Why did you leave the door open?" I looked behind "I didn't this weird guy did." I start tearing up "Cole!!" he looked at me confused "Hey..?"


Sorry that it's short I ran out of ideas at the end. I might do part two tho. Also please leave your ideas...!!!

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