The First Harem Round

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Now it's time for some harem-focused moments, starting with the four original girls. Also, slight apologies, but I couldn't find an image fitting for this chapter. So have an image of Towa here looking very cute and cool.


The next morning arrived and there were no surprises this time. On your right was Duvalie who was sleeping away. You smirked a little and put your arms around her, gently pulling her in for a morning cuddle. But even that was able to wake her up and cause her to blush.

" you have to do that?" She asked.

"Of course, you're in the harem now, and it's my responsibility to make sure you feel loved as a way to start the day."

"I see. Anyway, I better get dressed and leave Roer. If I recall, you told me that Alisa will be returning home today."

You suddenly got up. "Oh crap, you're right. I better get cleaned up before she gets here. I'll walk with you to the station when you're ready."

"Very well, but I don't think you have long."

After grabbing a fresh pair of clothes, you got dressed and with Duvalie dressed up as well, the two of you made your way out of the Roer building and down the escalator to the Roer city station. A freight car had just pulled in at a lane as soon as you arrived.

"That freight car will be taking me to Heimdallr." She said. "I plan to spend the day at Grenville."

"Sounds great. I'm sure you'll have a good time." You replied. "Take care, Duvalie and I hope to see you soon if you want to spend time with me like that again."

She nodded, blushing while hugging you tight. "Me too, Y/N...I love you."

"Love you as well..." You whispered before sharing a kiss with her.

She let go and waved before getting on the freight car. You watched as the train left the station. Then a few minutes later, another freight car arrived which stopped. Then a few passengers came out. Among them were Alisa and Sharon.

"Alisa, over here." You called.

She smiled happily before rushing up to you. You opened your arms out and braced for her jump on you. You grabbed her in time and held her close before sharing a deep kiss with one another.

"Oh my, what a lovely reunion." Sharon commented.

"Good to see you as well, Sharon." You replied. "Just a little preoccupied."

"Hmhm, well you are a hero of the world. And in case you haven't yet, I'm ready to get back to my maid work in the Reinford home."

"Oh yeah, let's get back. I have so much to talk to you about, Y/N." Alisa said as she held your hand.

You nodded. "Same here, a lot happened while you were away from me."

The two of you walked together, along with Sharon back to the Reinford residence and after getting inside, Sharon went to the kitchen to prepare for the late breakfast. While you and Alisa sat down by the dining table to catch up on many things.

"So what's been happening while I was gone?" Alisa asked.

"Well, several girls that we know all had a chance to spend time with me and they were happy to share me around with you." You answered. "And as of yesterday, Duvalie made a surprise appearance and we spent the night here."

Her eyes opened wide. "Woah, seriously? Even her?"

"Yeah, although it took a lot of convincing and a sparring session before I was able to win her over. So by my calculation, that should be twelve girls in total. And if you ask me...I think that's more than enough."

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