Heart Of The Lion (Laura)

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Now for the first proper chapter and I'm going to try and make the lemon sections last a lot longer with more detailed sentences instead of just the usual quick ones. Because I've been following others who do those scenes better than I can, so I'm planning to learn from that.

Anyway, let's begin with the formation of the harem, starting with Alisa, and then Laura!


One Year Ago...

It all started during the middle of summer, in the year 1207 on the Zemurian Calendar. It had been a few months since the Reverie incident that occurred in Crossbell, was finally stopped and the nation itself had regained its independence, after the involvement with Ishmelga was gone.

Once peace had finally settled in both Crossbell and Erebonia, you and the entire huge group that all came together to save a nation one more time, had all gone back to their personal commitments. For you, that meant going back to being an instructor for Class VII at Thors Branch Campus in Leeves.

However, going back to just being an instructor was not on the cards by the time everything got back to normal. For once again leading the charge to save lives, you were about to experience a future where being loved up by many beautiful girls was on the way.

But that would only become a possibility thanks to your first true love. Despite many stumbles in the past, you and Alisa were able to stick through the hard times despite one moment that nearly destroyed it all. Since then, the relationship had become so strong over the months.

Which brought you to one summer morning. You were sleeping in Alisa's room since it was the beginning of your vacation, after both the main and branch campus were closed for the summer holidays. And this was the perfect chance for you to catch up with your love life.

You were the first to wake up and see Alisa cuddling up to you. Your mind went back to the night before and how passionate it was for both sides. With your commitment as an instructor, and her role as the general manager of the Reinford company, there wasn't much chance to see each other during the working months. But despite that, the connection was well strong.

So here you were, looking at Alisa who was sleeping peacefully. You had to admit, the idea of wanting to just snuggle with her all through the morning was very tempting. But even during the holidays, you wanted to make the most of them. Even when the days are peaceful.

You heard a few beep noises coming from the ARCUS II, a state of the art device that functioned as a phone and a source of magic where casting arts were possible. You had an alarm set to 8:00am, but you had woken up before it went off. You chalked it up as muscle memory.

After grabbing the ARCUS and turning off the alarm, you placed it back on the bedside table and looked at Alisa who stirred a little before opening her eyes. She blushed right away, but grew a smile before moving up a little, putting her arms around you.

"Hmm, morning, handsome." She said quietly.

You chuckled. "I don't get called that often. In which case, has anyone told you that you're a stunning and beautiful woman?"

"Yeah, by you. Even when I get to be with you." 

Alisa slowly sat up, showing the top half of her body to you. She quickly checked the time on her ARCUS, before noticing that something was rising underneath the bed sheet.

"Really? First thing in the morning?"

"Well, can you blame me?" You responded. "Besides, I won't complain if you wanna make out with me before breakfast."

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