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Monday morning I found myself in a classroom, where the professor would teach us everything about the heist. But I couldn't focus on the things that he was saying. Too distracted by one of my fellow robbers.

"Great. Currently you don't know each other and I want to keep it like that. No names. No personal questions. No relationships."

Well that is a lie. And I am pretty sure the professor is aware of that. It wasn't only Denver and Moscow or Helsinki and Oslo who already know each other.

How can the professor put me in the same room as him?

I was sitting in the back, being able to stare at him sitting in the second row. We had history together but ended on a bad note. Such a shame.

He left me hanging and now we should work together on the biggest robbery Spain has ever seen. Why would the professor recruit him? He must know what he has done in the past.

"It is important to have the public supporting us. That means no victims and no blood."

That's disappointing. But one of us as a victim probably doesn't count, right?

The man I was watching constantly slowly turned to look at the small Royal Mint that was placed on a table in the back of the room. But his eyes quickly moved to me. And I was already looking at him. He studied me from top to bottom. Only stopping when he saw my bandaged hand. Once we locked eyes a small smile appeared on his lips. But I only starred back without showing any emotion.

At the end of our first lesson, I stayed behind to talk with the professor.

"Are you actually kidding me?" I asked while running a hand through my hair.

"I don't know what you mean, Siena."

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about. How could you put me and Berlin in this plan and expect everything to go smoothly?" I glared at him.

"You are both professionals. I expect you to keep your private issues out of it."

Without any reaction I stormed out of the classroom and back into my room.

How should that be possible? He is the reason I spent five months in prison and learned to never trust anyone ever again. I can't even trust people like me because I now know that even them are going to let you down.

The anger was building up again. Every emotion I was holding back for the last couple of months was coming back to me. Because of him. The biggest joke was him leading this whole heist.

I was walking up and down in my room trying to calm myself, but nothing was working. Never was I that disappointed in someone. As a criminal you know that you can't trust everyone and because of that you often lead quiet a lonely life. But then you meet someone who seems to be just like you. It felt natural, like we were supposed to meet at some point. We could talk about everything because we knew it didn't change anything between us.

We made business plans together. Our goal was to rob a specific hotel room. A room rented by a very rich Arabic businessman and his wife. Money and jewellery. The plan was simple. He would tell the security something happened to their boss and they would leave together. Then me, dressed as one of the hotel maids, would go into the room get all the goods out of the safe and throw it into a cart with dirty towels and bed sheets. I would bring everything into the cellar, where he would wait in a car to pick up the dirty laundry. And that is what he did. But he didn't tell me that the police already knew what was happening inside the hotel. The security guard was suspicious from the beginning and sent a silent alarm to the police. And how it turned out he was right. They never found the jewellery, money or the man who stole those things. But they knew he had help from the inside. I was the only one changing the towels and sheets in this room. So it must have been me. The police never had enough evidence to lock me away for longer. They didn't find any of my fingerprints on the safe. But it was strange that something like this happened when I only started working there a few weeks prior. We all knew I was part of the robbery. There was no way denying. But there was also no way telling them more about the plan. I was sure Andrés would find a way to get me out or at least wait for me.

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