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Hectically I was searching with my right hand for my key. Come on, it can't have disappeared in my pocket! As soon as I found it, I rammed it into the lock and opened the front door to my apartment.

Being caught up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the stranger sitting at the dinning table watching me closely. Quickly I went into the kitchen which was the first door on the right. There I took a bottle of rum from one of the cabinets. Then I headed back to the entrance area which was basically the living room. After I gathered a first aid bag from one of the shelves, I heard a small cough coming from the back off the room. Frozen in place I looked up.

"Sorry, now is not a good time." I said to the man.

Confused he looked at me, raising one of his brows.

"You see, I'm kinda busy. So just come back tomorrow." With that I held up my left hand, which was still wrapped messily in a scarf.

"I don't think that is possible." Now it was my turn to eye him confused.

Rolling my eyes I went to the table he was sitting at. After placing everything I needed on the table I took a seat.

"Well and I don't like being surprised by a stranger in my apartment."

Slowly I was getting annoyed with him. Before answering him, I took a sip alcohol from the bottle. After that I started unwrapping my hand. It really wasn't a pleasant sight.

The man next to me took a deep breath and quickly starred at the wall behind me.

"What happened?"

"Why did you break into my home?" I asked him with a slight smile.

He was struggling to find an answer. In the meantime, I started to clean the wound on the inside of my left palm. I needed stiches. Because of that I opened the small first aid kid and searched for all the things needed.

"First of all, I'm sorry for the disturbance that was not what I intended. But it was very hard to get a hold of you, Maribel."

I froze. How does he know my name? I never told anyone my real name.

"I can see you are confused, let me explain." He said while pushing his nerdy glasses up.

"I have been following you for a long time. I basically know everything there is to know about you."

Holding my injured hand up, I interrupted him. Being disgusted by the sight, he looked to the side.

"So, you have been stalking me and today you suddenly decide to show up? That is probably the worst timing I have ever seen."

Scoffing I turned my attention back to my stitching up the wound on my left palm.

"I have a proposition for you."

"That's all? You know I expected a bit more with all the effort you put into me." I returned sarcastically, which made him smile.

"How do 2.4 billion euro sound?"

"Nice, but I don't think you are just going to hand them to me." I said while pushing the thin needle for the first time into my skin. Clenching my teeth together I was waiting for his answer.

"It is more a job offer."

Raising my eyebrows, I looked up at him. Nevertheless, I didn't give him any reaction.

"I guess we both know what kind of job we are talking about." He said nervously while moving on his chair.

"Really, do we?" I challenged him, while pulling the thread upwards. "What are you planning on robbing?"

"I can't tell you now. We will talk about the details when you meet the others."

Getting angry over this piece of information, I rammed the needle back into my palm which made my whine silently.

"The others? I have to work with other people? Sorry but I'm not interested. The last time I had to work with someone else during a robbery I landed my ass in prison, but I'm sure you are already aware of that."

"This time it will be different."

"So the other one is going to prison?" I asked confused. After a day like this I really wasn't in the mood for this conversation. "Look, it is really nice having you here, even though I still don't know who you are. If you want to work with me, you have to give me a bit more than that. Otherwise you can show yourself out."

"Firstly you can call me the professor." Are you kidding me?

"I'm talking about a robbery that I have been planning for years. It will make the whole world talk about us."

"I gathered that much. But what should we rob?"

"The Royal Mint of Spain." He said while folding his hands together on the table.

Was he serious?

"Wait. So you want me and some others go in there and get the money? What is your part in this whole ordeal because you don't look criminal in the slightest bit." I wondered and scanned the man in front of me.

"My part is to negotiate everything from the outside while you will be in the Mint. By your side are experienced people like you, Maribel. They will know exactly what to do and nothing is going to happen."

That doesn't mean anything. The last time I worked with someone professional everything went downhill. Me landing in prison. Him getting away with everything we worked for. Even though the police hadn't enough evidence against me they were sure I played a role in the robbery. After being locked away for five months I promised myself to get revenge. And that is exactly what I did. Successfully.

"What do you say?"

I'm intrigued but still doubting that everything will go as smoothly as he promises.

"I'm in." It would be boring to not try it, right?

Smiling I asked him when we would start.

"Someone will pick you up Sunday night. Like this we can start with our lessons on Monday morning." At the end of his answer, he nodded his head and stood up.

Lessons? Am I going back to school?

"I will see you on Monday." With that he walked out of the door.

That was strange. After another sip I pushed the professor out of my head and focused on my hand. During the whole conversation I only got two stiches done. Breathing out, I pushed the needle through the flesh on the one side and then on the other. Repeating it once more, I was done with the palm. Now doing the same thing on the back of my hand.

Today was Friday, well actually it was already Saturday. That meant I only had one day to finish some open business.

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