Ch.2: The Flashintro

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"Good job" Mr. Blake said as he glanced at the dead body then the man next to it.

"Well Jack or should I say Leon?" Mr. Blake started with a teasing tone. "Please untie those" He requested at the boy who was still standing. With a sigh Leon walked towards the tied up man and proceeded to remove the ropes which he himself tied.

"You were shaking and I'm thankful that he didn't noticed" Leon slightly nagged. "Well you never gave me a drug for me to act perfectly", sarcasm was visible in Mr. Blake's voice as he explained. Turns out Leon didn't drug the man for real but rather asked to act perfect in the eye's of Hector.

"Done" Leon muttered before the older one among them stood up. "I though you'd kill me as soon as he commanded" Mr. Blake laughed at his own words. "You know I wouldn't" Leon whispered under his breath as the duo walked out of the warehouse.

Diving back to a month of time, there's certainly many things occured in-between this now known character Leon who joined as a guard for Hector in the name of Jack. It all went as planned thankfully.

A month ago...

"Mr. Blake, you know his works are causing more trouble and now people might think the police are scared of him too", one of the higher officers who sat silently the whole time slammed his fist on the desk as he spoke. The meeting room suddenly went silent.

Mr. Blake for sure regretted joining this meeting from the beginning anyways. All the officers were supposed to come to the conference room and so Mr. Blake who wasn't aware of what's going to take place in said room- now regretted walking cluelessly into the huge room.

Because from the moment he entered all the officers kept on complaining about his delay on finishing his so called mission of catching the HMR criminal. Well his father took care of it before but that man never succeed so did his son.

"Sir, I planned to get help from the PAS" Blake spoke. At least he had one advantage of walking through the door. He had to inform his higher officers about his planning cause he had to get permission from them first to execute his new plan.

"Do you think there would be anyone who's good for the job? You have to find about his treasure room too" The one who previously yelled asked sitting back down while massaging his temples.

"I know one" Exclaimed another man who looked as if he's the oldest present in the meeting room. "I'll send the details to you" that man added as his wrinkled fingers pressed on some keys in his laptop.

"Leon" a voice yelled as he walked inside the office with no consent. There were many stacks of files which were orderly arranged and some research papers lay on table under the weight. Amidst of all those sat Leon drake reading a book wearing reading glasses.

"What" Leon asked calmly as he didn't move his eye away from the book. "Mr. Blake's calling" the other handed the phone to Leon. "And Alan I said knock before you enter" Leon informed which obviously was replied with a laugh.

"Yes?" Leon spoke as the phone reached his ear. "I guess you're Leon, I'm Blake Roger" the caller introduced. "I hope you know about me?" Leon hummed as an answer. Of course he's aware of the famous police officer who has caught countless numbers of criminals. But Leon wasn't aware of why this man reached out to him.

"I have a mission for you" Mr. Blake directly skipped to the topic. "So I guess you know about the ongoing case of HMR criminal which was handled by me" Leon heard some whispers after Mr. Blake's voice. "Well I want you to handle that case from now" embarrassment was visible in the older's tone.

Leon chuckled silently. "Ok sir!" He exclaimed with no further words. "I'll send the case details for you then" Mr.Blake actually knew that PAS can't turn down on the higher officers anyways. "You can take your time to finish and you can get help from me too" Mr. Blake said before hanging up.

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