Oh What A Relief It Is P:3

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Shayne's P.O.V

"YOU MOTHER ******!" I shout.

Under regular circumstances I would have never called a lady that. But let's face it, she wasn't a lady. She wasn't even human.

"Shayne listen please, it was all Kayla she told me to do it."

"I already talked to Kayla and she said you happily agreed. "
I shout,while pacing her floor.

"Why Pyper, she helped you out when you first arrived.She actually cared."

"Why not? She had the dream guy wrapped around her finger, what girl wouldn't? " I run my fingers through my wavy hair.

"I don't know what to do with you." I shake my head.
I reach across to her. I gently rub her neck. She relaxes at my touch.

"How'd you get her like that?" I ask.

"Easy I snuck into her house.
I've been watching her fir days and discovered that Wednesdays her little sister has daycare and Pyper's the only one home. That means the door stays locked."

I continue to caress her neck.

" I picked it. Snuck into the kitchen where her food was and sprinkled some stuff that makes her thirsty. I took the powdered Meth and poured it in her water."

"Genius." I whisper, placing my head in the crook if her neck.

She sighs at my touches.

I gently press on her bone in the back of her neck on both sides.

Then harder, in 5 seconds she's slumped over in my arms. Before she can even register my actions she falls into an unconscious sleep.

I carry her outside and place her on the ground. No I actually just dumped her. She was gonna have a killer headache when she gets up.

I open my car door. Kayla almost falls out. I see her eyes blinking rapidly and hit her hard enough for her to stay still.

I get my phone out and call 911.

"This is 911 whats your emergency?"

"Theres two young ladies outside of 612 white lane street. They appear to be unconscious."

"Sir can you give me your name?"

"Jim Crawford."

"Okay sir stay right where you are help is on the way."

I hang up and put the voice recorder on top of Eva's body. I drop the phone and smash the screen. I take my gloves off and toss them in the trash, with the other objects.

Starting my car I glance back to see the ambulance stopping in front of the building. I pull off towards Pyper's house.

How does Shayne know how to do all of that?

Cuz he's amazing!!

Lol hope u liked this chapter!! I'll update the last chapters this week,if i can!

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