Hand in hand, Brandy and Natalie sat down on a tree loh to watch the brothers dance, how they interacted. Elliot was almost like a father towards his own brother now with how he nurtured and took care of him, something he didn't seem to mind doing... Yet his hair that hung so long infront of his face hide any real emotions he could be experiencing.

According to Brandy, Elliot had always been like that. Putting others before himself... It was only when he met Lizzy that he started to prioritise himself as well. They were soul mates... Met at 15, and have been together ever since. They travelled the world together, and did everything together. Where Lizzy went, Elliot followed, and where Elliot went, Lizzy came skating after. Love in the purest form, was what they had for each other.

Missy and Eddie were in love too, sure. Married, three to four kids, happy marriage, good home. Yet... Elliot and Lizzy gave off the image of something better. A higher love. That if one were to walk into Tartarus, the other would come running after. They'd follow each other to the end of the earth, no matter the sacrifice, to be with their lover.

When they had found out that Elliot couldn't have kids, it crushed him. He had so desperately wanted to give Lizzy a child, to show a physical form of their love... Yet it was Lizzy who said to him that no child would ever prove their love as much as Elliot had already done. Over time, they grew content with the idea that they couldn't have a family, and that was fine. They had each other, the wide open road, and now they had Ziggy as well.

Without realising it, a tear had rolled down Natalie's cheek as she observed the joy of this little family. Despite their problems, they were happy... The brothers carelessly dancing away, Lizzy laughing away and clapping along with them. It was... Perfect. Like something out of a fairy tale story of what family was supposed to be like.

Brandy tilted his head some as he noticed this lone tear and gently brushed it off her cheek before tilting her head up with the soft guiding motion of his head. "It's okay, Nat... We'll be just as perfect one day too, alright? We'll f-figure everything out... We'll sort out all our problems, a-and we'll be happy... Okay?" He murmured, and Natalie smiled some with a small chuckle, wiping away some more tears. "Oh Brandy... We might not be perfect... But there's nothing about us I'd change."

Carefully climbing into his lap, there they sat and held each other, Natalie cradled in the big strong arms of her lover, ear pressed against his chest to listen to the steady drum of his heart.

What she'd do to make sure it was always beating.

Her mind was pulled out of its thoughts when a big wet nose pressed up against her hand and sniffed at it, Natalie tilting her body slightly to the side to see the cause of this. A highland cow calf was busy sniffing at her hand, then tilting its head as well when it saw her. Shortly after, Lucy came running, out of breath before she heaved the calf aside. "I'm so sorry Nat! Buttercup somehow managed to run off when I wasn't looking" she chuckled, earning a bit of a laugh from Natalie.

So this was the calf Chuck had given to Lucy.

"You sure do collect a strange array of pets, huh Lucky?" Brandy chuckled, turning his body some to face the calf and gently petting it while Lucy chuckled.

"Pretty much... Calf named Buttercup, then there's Thomas the raccoon.... Oh, that reminds me. Chuck told me about the pitbull y'all rescued from that bitch Carrie... Can I have him?" She said, earning a bit of a stare from the couple who then looked at each other before shrugging.

"I-I don't see why not."

"Neither do I. You're strong headed, you'll be able to train that poor thing out of its old habits."

Lucy let out some excited squeals at this news which caused Buttercup to jump around a bit, both startled and picking up on her owners excitement.  As the couple watched, she excitedly ran off once more while the little cow raced after her, Lucy probably running to go tell her boyfriend the news.

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