Intermission (2)

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Hey soSorry for disappearing off the face of the earth

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Hey so
Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth

I swear, we will get back to our (ir)regular programming soon enough! Got incredibly busy with school and things and currently sitting through exams and projects and yadda yadda yadda, boring boring boring, anyways!

I swear there's some  z e s t y things planned for the future (partially also because one of my friends has been nagging me to write again, you know who you are, you little twat) and that you'll finally get to meet some characters that I've kept all to myself like the lil dumbass writer I am.

I'll be writing whenever I can and promise you'll get a new chapter soon enough! Thank you to the few loyal readers I have, though haha, books sitting on the funny number of reads.


Anywaysssss, here's a couple memes to tide y'all over

Anywaysssss, here's a couple memes to tide y'all over

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Leroys be wildin
(Also, p.s, blondie is the official art made by me of Ford. All art of my characters are made by me, but I digress)

 All art of my characters are made by me, but I digress)

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Also minor spoilers but wassuuuuup

Also minor spoilers but wassuuuuup

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Well thats all from me. Gday folks!

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