Chapter 5: Part 1

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You know you want to do it. They deserve it.

"But I really don't! Sure, they're not the best but-"

Quit whining. You think your father showed you this mercy? Let that anger out. Show the world you're not a weak child anymore.

"I really don't want to though! I'm not my father!"

Quit it. Do you hear yourself? Whining like a child after everything I've done for you. After everything I've given you. I only ask you to do the one thing you're good at, you know you want to. Do it.

"... What is it that I'm so good at?"

Dont play dumb. You're smart. Do it. Your hands crave for it, don't they? Do it.

Kill them.

"Fine. I will."

Natalie yawned as she stared up at the roof for a moment before sitting up. How late was it? It felt late. Or maybe really early. Brandy was still fast asleep by her side, the house quiet. What the hell woke her up? Maybe it was a dream, but she couldn't remember dreaming. Not tonight, atleast.

What was that scratching sound? It was annoying.

It's coming from the bathroom. Maybe one of the dogs accidentally got locked inside?

Getting up, she shifted the blanket off of her as she carefully made sure not to wake up her boyfriend and made her way to the bathroom. Picking up the ping pong paddle off of the bed side table, she took a deep breath.

Even if it was something as stupid as a ping pong paddle, anything could count as a weapon in the right situation.

She opened the door slowly, ping pong ready in hans as she flicked on the light, then paused. Empty. "What the hell?" She whispered as she stepped inside before shrugging and stepping inside, closing the door since she didn't want the light to bother her partner. Taking a deep breath, she then splashed some water on her face, gazing back up at the mirror infront of her before pausing.

That... Definitely was not normal.

That wasn't her reflection. Instead, what stared back at her was human looking yet had no eyes, no mouth, no nose, no ears... Just an empty slate where distinguishable features should have been.

Taking a slow step back, she screamed as it suddenly lunged out of the mirror, trying to grab her, sharp fingers grabbing onto her skin, pulling at her as its multiple hands hooked into her hair. She tried her best to reach for the door, her hands scratching at the wooden frame as it dragged her back, the woman struggling desperately. After how she'd gotten hurt in her last dream, she couldn't risk this happening again if it was another dream.

Thank god it was.

She woke up with a start and immediately clutched onto her scalp, the skin burning with pain. It wouldn't stop, it hurt so bad, like boiling water had been poured onto her head. Last time she felt so much pain, a bomb had gone off and killed half of her platoon. Tears streaming down her face, she raced to the bathroom and with shaking hands fumbled around for Brandy's razor, her boyfriend himself waking up and quickly going over to try comfort her but she had locked herself into the bathroom.

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