Chapter 2: Part 3

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"Natalie! Relax, relax, it's just us, stop screamin' sweetheart!"

Thrashing around in her blankets, she found her wrists caught by a pair of strong hands, which then held her back to stop her from moving about, two weights on her bed indicating two people had sat down. She blinked a bit as the sudden glare of light came from her bedside lamp being put on, her eyes readjusting for a moment before she realised it was Brandy and Chuck sitting on her bed, both looking at her with concern.

Letting go of her wrists, Chuck then got up and checked the window, Brandy checking in the closet then under the bed before both brothers came to sit down on her bed again. "Y-You alright Nat?" Brandy asked her softly, the trembling women slowly nodding. "I-I'll be okay... What... What was that?" She replied with a slight gulp, both brothers letting out soft sighs.

"That, Natalie, was a skinwalker. Good thing your windows were locked otherwise we'd have walked into nothing but a blood covered bed and hair in this room" Chuck said in a sombre tone, Brandy nodding in agreement with a dark expression.

"A... Skinwalker? But I thought those were just fairytales?" Nat questioned.

"Not here, beautiful... Fae Valley don't work like other places do. That barrier you saw when ya first got here? That's ta keep most of them monsters out, but sometimes they break through... Why do you think Ford seems so scary? He lives with them beasts, to make sure they don't get into town and hurt folks... But lately people have been going missin' without a trace... There's rumors of a city detective roamin' around to see whats up" Chuck sighed, Natalie shifting a bit nervously under her covers.

She sighed a little, thinking over what the ginger said before saying, "But how is this all possible? This magic? I thought stuff like this doesn't exist..." This earned a small chuckle from Brandy, Natalie in turn raising her eyebrow as she stared at him, his chuckles immediately dying back down to silence on his part.

"Well...How I like to explain it, is that magic is everywhere. In the very air we breath in. However in places like cities, that magic is rather drowned out and very weak due to modern day living with pollution and noise and such," Chuck started, scratching the back of his neck a little,

"In Fae Valley, it's as clean as can be. Barely ever do you hear people breaking somethin' due to falling from a high height because the plants will grow up ta catch you. The magic here Nat is ancient, and ancient magic with wild creatures in turn make dangerous beasts. Some friendly, sure, but not most."

Silence gradually filled the room at the end of his explanation, Brandy and Chuck staring at Natalie expectantly for an answer. Yet, she did not give them one, instead staring now at her view of the woods through her window, then gradually looking back at the boys. "That's... A lot to process... After all that, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep well. Do you mind if I share a room with you guys?... Just for tonight?" She said eventually, both immediately nodding.

"O-Of course N-Natalie! We'll m-make a comfy spot i-in the lounge where t-the three of us can s-sleep tonight!" Brandy suggested, Chuck agreeing with his brother. The women smiled some and nodded, getting up. After a few minutes, they three of them had gathered in the living room and made themselves comfortable among the huge piles of blankets and pillows they had set out.

Natalie found herself comfortably squished between the two brothers as they almost instantly fell asleep, a few minutes passing by till she too finally drifted off to sleep...

Restless dreams. A man on a hill, no, two men on a hill, tall men. One with axe in hand, a cap hiding his face. But his eyes... Bright green, so green they stare into your soul. The other had piercing blue eyes, blood staining his lips and fangs... Fangs... Those fangs... Where had she seen them before?...

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