Chapter 3: Part 2

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Nat slowly started to stir, yawning some as she rubbed sleep out of her eyes. Light was filtering in through the curtains, birds singing cheerfully outside, the window above the bed giving view of the beautiful day it was outside as well as the stunning view of the mountains behind the farmstead. She turned to get up, just for a strong arm to wrap around her waist and slowly pull her back in.

"Five more minutes..."

Natalie chuckled some as she gazed down at the sleepy man beside her, gently brushing some of his hair out of his face. Even when he was half asleep she found him adorable, letting him rest his head in her lap while gently playing with his hair, slowly taking in the appearance of her bed headed boyfriend.

'Even like this, he is so adorable... I promise to you Brandy, I'll keep you safe' she thought to herself and leaned in, kissing his forehead softly,just to shriek with laughter as he suddenly pulled her in, squishing her up against him in a big, cosy hug. "Hey you big lug, as cute as you are, we need to get up. We both have stuff to do today" she chuckled softly, Brandy giving a huff but nodded, giving her cheek a kiss and sitting up, wiping sleep out of his eyes. "Y-You can catch a-a few more m-minutes of s-sleep, sugar. I-I'll sort out b-breakfast" he said with a warm smile, sharing one last lingering kiss with her before he got up, pulling on some shorts and scratching his hip a bit as he sleepily made his way downstairs.

Natalie stared after him, making sure he was gone before letting out an ecstatic laugh, kicking her legs back and forth in the air with joy like an excited teenage girl. "God what's wrong with me? I feel like a giddy school girl all over again!" She laughed to herself and quickly sat up, grabbing her phone and texting Lucy and Missy. Within minutes, the two were blowing up her phone, though Natalie startled some when Brandy came back in, the women quickly tossing her phone aside.

"W-Why do y-you look so g-guilty? G-Go ahead and gossip w-with your girls, I-I'm not gonna s-stop you" he chuckled and sat down on the bed, placing the tray of food down too before scratching at some of the bite marks he had on his shoulder and neck. Natalie just smiled in pride as she took in the sight of this absolute unit of a man the morning after, though did thank him for the food and started to dig in.

They sat in a comfortable silence, Brandy sitting behind his girlfriend and delicately braiding her hair before shifting her hair aside and softly kissing down her neck, hugging her from behind. "Look at you, being all affectionate. What happened to the man who was so excited to take me last night?" Natalie teased to which he calmly replied, "A-After care is t-the most important o-of all, after c-consent of course."

She just smiled and rubbed his head before finishing up her breakfast, moving to get up just to wince and pause, blushing some in embarrassment as she could feel her boyfriends amused gaze on the back of her head. Brandy chuckled and stood up, picking his girlfriend up and piggy backing her to the kitchen where he placed her down on the kitchen counter and turned to wash the dishes, Natalie staring at his scratched up back and chuckling some.

"W-What you laughing a-about back t-there sugar?" Brandy said with a small laugh, glancing back at her over his shoulder. "Just admiring my handiwork! And I'm sure you're admiring your own work, I can barely walk after last night" she replied calmly, watching as he dried off his hands and turned back to her, lightly resting his giant hands on either side of her on the table. "True, t-true. We're b-both a-artists, a-and our bodies a-are each others c-canvas" he smiled, gently caressing her cheek and giving her a kiss.

She relaxed in his touch, leaning into the kiss that they so intimately shared, before slowly pulling away and glancing back at the driveway as a car drove up. This was Chuck, Missy and Lucy, all probably to get some spicy details from the couple since it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened after their friends left. Missy and Lucy walked in like giggly school girls, squealing in delight with Nat as the three hugged, Chuck and Brandy giving each other a fist bump before the two walked off to talk some in privacy.

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