Chapter 4: Part 6

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Chuck took a deep breath, wiping sweat off of his brow after he put the last box down. Feeling a bit uncomfortable in his now sweat covered shirt, he took it off and wiped his body dry, glaring up at the sky.

Why did it have to be so hot today? It was raining yesterday.

Weather here never makes sense.

Shaking his head, he looked over at Lucy, waving at her a bit. "Heya Lucky! I finished unloading the boxes, where ya want me to put it?" He called to her, raising an eyebrow as he saw her face grow red when she finally looked at him, the two staring at one another for a moment.


"I asked where you want me to put these boxes."


They stood in silence for another moment simply staring at one another, though he yelped as a hand swatted him over the back of the head and grabbed him by the ear, Chuck gulping as he looked now into the eyes of one of Lucy's mothers. She was simply called Mama by everyone, the old woman staring up at the young men from behind the thick lenses of her glasses, her one hand on her hip.

"You're lucky you're a strong one Freckles otherwise I'd chase you away from my little lucky charm with a broom! You're frying her brain. Bring the boxes inside, cool off and put a shirt on!" She scolded, Chuck nodded a bit sheepishly as he was quick to bring the boxes of stock inside of Lucy's store, Lucy whining in embarrassment as she saw the victorious smile on her mothers face.

"Mamaaaa! Come oooon, that wasn't necessary!" Lucy whined, squeaking as her mother then pinched her cheek before dragging her inside by the ear as well, ignoring her daughter's protests.

Once inside, Mama set the two to work, knowing full well that if she hadn't intervened, they would have simply awkwardly shuffled around one another. "Y'all are crazy for wantin' to do work in this heat! Ya could get sun stroke! I'd understand you Chuck, you work in this kinda sun all day on that farmland of ya, but Lucy! You're pale as paper, you'll fry out there baby!" Mama scolded, rubbing sunscreen onto her daughter's face.

Lucy simply squeezed her eyes shut, knowing that there was no point in trying to fight it. Chuck chuckled a little as he watched this, though yelped as he got sunscreen thrown at him, dropping the box he was carrying on his foot. The two women laughed as they watched him hop around in pain, Mama eventually giving him an ice pack and making some tea for the three of them once the stock was placed in the back of the shop, relaxing in silence as they enjoyed their drinks.

There was silence for a moment before the bell at the top of the door rang, signalling that someone had walked in. "Hellooooo?  Oh! Dante! I was wondering where you went, you took JD home last night then didn't come back" Lucy chuckled, pausing to stare at her brother who stared back at her, her eyes then widening.

"You and JD had sex!"


Dante was blushing profusely at this suggestion, shaking his head and looking away, huffing a bit before he finally noticed Mama and Chuck staring at him, his eyes narrowing as he stared intently at Chuck, the older May sibling slowly cracking each finger before folding his arms.

"Hello Mama... What the ginger doing here?" He said blankly, Chuck gulping a little bit. Dante had always made him nervous, even when they were teenagers. He could think of plenty of times he'd seen Dante beat someone up when they were in highschool, and Chuck did not want to get added to that list

Thankfully, he knew Dante wouldn't hurt someone while his mother and sister was there. Well, he didn't know, he just hoped.

The air was tense for a second before Dante sighed and shook his head, going over to Mama and kissing her cheek, then walking upstairs to his shared home with his sister to change. "... I'm sorry about him... I'll go check up on him" Mama said to Chuck, gently patting his hand before following his son, Chuck and Lucy watching her leave before looking at one another.

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