Chapter 2: Part 1

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Trigger warning: This part contains mentions of traumatic events and sexual assault

"Mornin' sleepin' beauty. Time to wake up."

Natalie whined some and rolled over, gently swatting whoever was trying to wake her up away. "Go awaaayyyy... I wanna sleep..." she muffled into her . She heard a sigh then screamed as her blankets were ripped off of her, Natalie nearly falling off of the bed from the momentum. "FUCK OKAY I'M UP I'M UP HOLY SHIT-"

Chuck rolled his eyes and chuckled a little, shaking his head some. "First rule of farm life lovely. Ya get up early in the mornin', alright?" He grinned before leaving, quickly closing the door as she threw a pillow after him. With an irritable sigh, she got up and went to her cupboard, picking out her clothes for the day. Walking then to her bathroom, she washed up and got dressed, pausing to stare at herself in the mirror. Running a hand through her hair, she shook it some, roughly styling it a bit with her hands with a small irritated sigh at being woken up so early.

Hearing whining and scratching at her door, she blinked a bit and opened it just to laugh as she was tackled over by Champ who tried to lick at her face, the women laughing her head off as she managed to push him away. "C-Champ! Down boy down!" She laughed and stood up, ruffling some of his fur before walking downstairs, humming contently as the smell of breakfast reached her nose.

Once again, Brandy was the one cooking, Chuck shoveling food that his brother had given him into his mouth at a mile per hour. "Geezus Chuck relax you're gonna choke" Natalie sighed, the ginger shaking his head some. "Sorry, can't! Already late! You two have fun, I should be back in a day or two!" He said, grabbing his keys, giving both of them a big hug before sprinting out, leaving Brandy and Natalie alone in silence other than the sound of Champs happy panting and the sound of sizzling bacon.

After what felt like forever, Brandy handed her a plate of food, having already eaten his. "I-I'll be waitin' by the t-truck... Then I'll t-take you to M-Missy" he said softly, gently rubbing her shoulder as he walked past, walking out of the house and down to his pickup truck. Natalie paused for a moment to watch him leave, then turning back to her food and finishing her mouthful before placing her empty plate in the sink to be washed up for later.

Hastily, she ran back up to her room and brushed her teeth, freshening up some more then running back downstairs and down to Brandy who was still patiently waiting. "Sorry for the wait!" She smiled, butterflies in her stomach as he returned the smile with a small laugh, the man then opening her car door for her, closing it once she was inside. He climbed in on the drivers side, the truck then steadily making its way back down the dirt path, into town. It stopped outside of a salon, Brandy getting out to help Natalie out too as a women with strawberry blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes walked out of the salon, resting on hand on her hip, the other on her pregnancy bump.

"Mornin' sweet cheeks. This the sweet girl stayin' with you boys?" The women chuckled, causing Brandy to blush heavily and tip his hat a bit lower over his head, earning a laugh from the women who then looked over at Natalie. "Heya sweetheart! You must be Natalie! Chuck told me all about you. I'm Missy, it's a pleasure to meet ya pumpkin!" Missy said with a smile, holding her hand out to Natalie.

Natalie shook it, returning the smile before glancing at Brandy who mumbled a goodbye before getting back into the pickup truck and driving off to the church, Missy's smile turning into a knowing smirk. "So, you got a thing for those two, huh?"

Natalie quickly looked back at the women with wide eyes, blushing some and shaking her head. "N-No! W-What makes y-you say that?!" She replied quickly, the blonde laughing some. "Well babes, if ya DON'T fancy them even a little you're either blind or an idiot! Come on in pumpkin, we can talk while I do your nails" Missy chuckled and walked back into the nail salon, Natalie following behind her and taking a seat at one of the tables, Missy sitting opposite from her.

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