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I had a life in this village before as a young girl I witnessed many things in this village, many people did not have true peace in their hearts, children were doing many terrible things and hiding their parents and elders did the same.

Few families were truly peaceful and those families were counting Young people couldn't stop their feelings against their fellow young people the village was full of evil and I was the only daughter who was isolated and no young man needed me in any way I started to worry why with this beauty I have not found someone to pay me a dowry and marry me one day I went to draw water in the river I met my husband and he is the first man to love me who said he can't be late to marry me.

He took me to, we walked a long way and we arrived in a bush that was more sewn than any other bush after he got there he called "mom!" Three times in a low voice like a man not wanting anyone to know then I saw the door where my man entered and I followed behind.

It was the source of all I was threatened not to release this secret and I obeyed what I was told by his parents Before we got married my mother-in-law told me on the day of my marriage I must send someone who they really need, I really didn't know what she meant but out of my fear I accepted the mother-in-law was very happy and said "you are courageous and good woman" I continued to live in that environment.

At the end of the day the mother said she needed a child from a peaceful family here in the village, I was the one who took Mbomboki on the day of the wedding. And I was able to keep this secret as everyone I took went to the bush that was my mother-in-law's residence.

We had a son named Moses. We wanted Moses to be like us and to satisfy his bride, My husband made himself doubly strong with the strength he had and made himself look like Juma.

We started teaching Moses in dreams and we were very strict with him so that he could be as courageous as we are in everything Moses stood up and interrupted the conversation, saying, "I don't believe what this woman is not true" with tears coming from his eyes in great pain the villagers were surprised by the matter. The people of the village of Light were holding Moses and begging him to sit down quietly until Rahiza had finished speaking the truth and they would decide what was right to do.

All the people remained silent as they marveled at the dispute after a while Moses sat down with tears pouring down on him as he gathered the eartdust in his hands a sign of anger and pain deep in his heart, Kisuku couldn't bear the tears in her eyes after seeing Moses' suffering.

She was crying silently and tears formed line in her cheeks. After a moment of silence passed. Rahiza saw every eye looking at her and decided to continue speaking with her eyes swollen with weeping and her voice scratching, she went on saying Moses was not ready to be like us because. We took him away from school by taking him to a bush that had swallowed a lot of people .

I decided to make fake parents and leave them in the village of Mteka, it came to the point of taking my younger sister Kisuku but my mother was unwilling to leave her and said "wherever she goes Kisuku I will be with her I wasn't interested in the mother's love I took them and served them all as people I did not know and were living with other villagers of the village of Light, no one knew the Kisuku grew up and used to the village of light as a home.

Moses was still very bothered that he wanted to go home to the village of Mteka I was not ready for that so he kept convince his father so that he could bring him back at least, once his father started to soften the heart. Rahiza turned her neck and looked at Moses and then took a breath and continue said "I am very sorry Moses".

Rahiza was a little quiet and then continued by saying I decided to trap Moses so he could commit adultery with me, Moses was trapped in my soft trap he could not commit adultery with me and then his father came and I pretended as if Moses had committed adultery with me to destroy the good relations between Moses and his father.

The hatred and war that existed between Moses and his father gave me peace to be able to continue my plans I separate Kisuku from the mother so that she could suffer like me, I decided to lie to my mother and Kisuku that there was a house I had given by the residents to accompany me.

I knew it was a lie but I arrived at the house and killed y mother by pushing her up the stairs while we were grabbing Kisuku I eventually took Kisuku and left her to live in the village of Light, I was very pleased with the tireless for the suffering of Kisuku after a while Kisuku was a great and beautiful daughter that I was left amazed by her beauty and every young man was talking about her, when she was still very young. My husband started to build a habit with Kisuku which was increasingly fuelling the fire of the pain that was in me, Kisuku was pregnant of Moses and I was pregnant of Juma.

Rahiza turned her neck and looked at Kisuku while saying bitterly "forgive me my little one... I love you so much and forgive me for the mother's sake too" she paused for a while as she continued, I was so hateful that made me ready for anything. I didn't want someone stronger than me in the village of Light, the young man I took on my wedding day to the village of Light, He was asking a lot of questions especially about the produce of the work they were doing.

I killed Mbomboki as a punishment for what he was doing and as a lesson to others after the killings. I decided to take the chairman and take him to the village of Light and make him as Mbomboki and been living in Mbomboki's position for a long time without the people of Mteka village knowing anything.

The people of the village of Mteka were not having trouble with any kind of crops I was giving the chairman the groups that was produce from the village of Light and he brought to you and distributed them free with no cost of any kind, it is true that I have done very strange things and I do not deserve forgiveness I ask my fellow women to understand me so that you can forgive me I am very sorry and I am so hurt for this I have no language or any sign to describe this.

Rahiza lay on the stomach and cried in pain to regret her mistake, no one showed any understanding everyone was looking at Rahiza in anger. A woman in the village of Mteka said in an angry voice: "don't make drama for us".

Rumbuka looked at the woman and remained silent, everyone heart was sad and seeing Rahiza as a merciless wild beast and personality.
Rahiza began to burn with a sharp pain from her legs to hair everyone was wondering "who is doing this" Rumbuka stood up and said "It is me, she deserves more pain than this for the evil she has done to innocent people... it's my mother but she agreed to be rude like is not a woman.... not a mother, let her be cruel to herself too."

Everyone was amazed by Rumbuka's wisdom Raniya was the first to support Rumbuka then all the villagers of Light and Mteka village mingled together. Rumbuka and Raniya began having sexual relations at the age of just fifteen. Everything was quiet in the village.

To Wattpaders,all my readers and those who support this story from the beginning to here.

☆Who do you think is the hero of story please,please comment according to what you think 🤔 😉.

☆It is the imaginary story and it's teaching a lot ,please comment what you have learn.

☆other media that am available for more detail about my story.
▪︎Instagram is nee_storywriter.
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▪︎Telegram is Neema Msacky.

*~*~*~*THE END. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Silence husband of mine.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt