(26) Breakfast, Planning, and MOM

Start from the beginning

Her breathing got a shaken, speeding up as she looked deeply disturbed, eyes shut tight as she could see BASIL looking at the ground, teeth grit, fists clenched tightly, tears running down his cheeks and breathing heavily. Before she knew it, he was right in front of her, grabbing the collar of her shirt, pulling her face to face and looking straight into his eyes.

For the mere second that he pulled her close, she could see it... the PALE FIGURE in front of her, bags under his red, strained eyes, and looking at her with pure resentment, hearing in BASIL'S heartbroken voice-






... She didn't know why she remembered. That day. The day she...

All she knew now was that she was awake, panting deeply and staring at the ceiling of her room. Tears had ran down her face, watery eyes as she was clenching her chest.

It took her a few seconds to gather herself after another abrupt awakening, laying there for a minute before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Draped her arm over her eyes and took shaken breaths, trying to calm herself down as she was so confused with the dream she just had, namely... it's abrupt ending.

(Why... Why did I have to remember that? God... Why am I like this?)

She was calmer than before, but still shaken up from the flood of memories of a day she would much rather forget, and didn't know how long she needed to reviver from the shock... until she heard a voice.


She lifted her arm and looked to him, seeing his eye half opened, rubbing it before looking at her.

SUNNY: "Mmnnh... You okay?" He sat himself up more slightly.

She looked at him and immediately started to calm down again, so much so her eyes were slowly going back closed as her morning drowsiness caught up to her.

MARI: "Hey... (yaaaawn) No no I'm... I'm okay. Was just... a bad dream. But I'm- I'm okay, I'm okay. No need to worry."

She was barley awake but still tried to reassure him with a shoulder pat. She saw him trying to get up and tried to stop him, yawning again with a tired voice.

MARI: "Nono, it's okay, you don't have to get up, its- ... oh"

8:52 AM

She blinked a bit to make sure that was the time before adjusting herself up, rubbing her eyes and arching her back to stretch. "Wow, we... slept a long time!" She exhaled as she stopped stretching, scratching her neck and yawning as she heard SUNNY begin to wake up too.

SUNNY moved the blanket off him and yawned after her, taking a few seconds before he began to look around. It really was their old room. It wasn't just a dream or a memory... he really was back home, even after everything.

He looked back to MARI and saw the blankets draped over her legs. She saw him realize this and looked a bit embarrassed.

MARI: "Oh, uhm... I-I know you might be a bit too old to sleep next to your Big Sis, but... It's been a while since I've seen you sleep in your own bed, you know? And finally seeing you here... reminded me of the scared little brother that would shake me awake when he had a bad dream and crawl into bed years ago. I just kind of... wanted to relive those days again."

SUNNY looked at the foot of the bed, closing his eye and reaching into his OTHER LIBRARY, remembering those days she described from his OTHER SELFS Memories. Once they came to him, he tried to comfort her and chuckled.

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