(12) Afterschool, Chatting, and The Reaper

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MARI was inches off the ground, holding onto HELLSUNNY'S hands as it tightened it's grip onto her neck. She was staring it in the face, it's smile ever-present. Her eyes were still red, trembling as her vision was getting blurred. The tighter it's grip around her neck got, the weaker hers got around it's hands.

Everything was becoming out of focus, her eyes slowly rolling up as her pale face was becoming more blue. Her breathing was more scarce and strained, unable to take a full breath, gasping for air desperately as her vision crossed.

But even still, she could tell... it's smile was getting wider, grinning as it was slowly draining the life from her eyes. MARI was trying to look to the side, only able to see a blurred outline of her brother, feeling herself fading and not wanting the last thing she saw being that damn smile. She even reached out her hand weakly towards his body, hand trembling as she felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier.

MARI: "S-S....UN...N..Y...."

She felt her head getting turned, forced to face whatever it was, and saw its massive eye staring straight into her soul. In a mix between hearing her brothers innocent voice and the raspy broken voice, she heard it speak...

"YoU... dId... ThIsssss...."

Tears were forming in her eyes, staring at it's smile once again, and knew it'd be the last thing she saw... Everything turning from the dull gret surrounding her turning to pitch black, focusing on it staring her in the eyes as she was fading away...

The last thoughts as she was drifting away... her brother. How she couldn't save him again, and how they both had to suffer for it again. She just got him back, and she let him slip away from her again... Maybe she did... deserve this...

Her eyes slowly closed, and then...






The kids all looked up to the clock with bright expressions, but none brighter than the one KEL had.

3:00 PM

They were in the GYM, their last class, and KEL was one of the first dashing out the door straight to the lockers. BASIL and AUBREY were both tired, sitting and panting as they were looking at KEL still running full speed despite just finishing GYM.

KEL: "SorryguysgottarunI'llseeya!!" He blurted out in one incoherent sentence before dashing out the door.

AUBREY and BASIL were simply left not at all shocked but still confused as to how KEL could still move so quickly after all the Running Exercises they did.

BASIL: "How huff huff can he still be huff huff so active?" He kneeled forward and held himself up by his elbows, face red and sweating.

AUBREY: "He's a freak huff huff No kid huff should be able to run this much." She wiped her brow and chugged down a bottle of water.

They both cleaned up and got ready, knowing KEL had been long gone since he ran out those doors. AUBREY closed her locker and was heading towards the exit before seeing BASIL struggle to get his open. She came over and kneeled down to his locker.

AUBREY: "I swear, they gave you the one crummy lock here." She grabbed it and pulled, taking a good bit of force before it finally opened.

BASIL sighed in relief as he grabbed his backpack out of it. "Th-Thank you. Sorry, it always seems to act up whenever Schools out, heh." He closed his locker and tried to close the lock, struggling for a moment before it finally locked shut.

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